
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday Fun

I did my hair not too long ago, but I went back yesterday to get it coloured. I knew I needed a bit of a trim, and Bianca suggested cutting it a bit shorter than usual.

I LOVE the colour! A slightly different shade to what I did the last time, and I love it. Also, I sometimes have a sideswept or parted fringe, but more often than not, it's all just pushed up and clipped back. This time, I asked her to to blow-dry my fringe straight, just to see what it looks and feels like. It looked fantastic when I walked out....but after a while, I kinda just pushed it out of the way. It's confirmed - I don't like my hair falling into my eyes. I can't do a short fringe though, because it curls, and then looks awful. As it is, my fringe now is really curled up, especially since I didn't have time to do anything with it this morning.

I'm going back in a couple of weeks to get it done for Christmas.

Bella was right; I really do need to watch the 'rockumentary' It "focuses on African American women's hair, including the styling industry surrounding it, the acceptable look of African American women's hair in society, and the effects of both upon African American culture" (from the Wiki page), but she said there's a lot in it I'd agree with. For one thing...spending LOADS of money on hair. I complain about being broke all the time, but I spend about a thousand bucks a year on my hair. It's paying off though; my hair is looking a lot better, it's healthier, and most importantly, I like it.

Alright then, enough blather about my hair.


Met up with Bella after that, and as always, it's lovely to hang out with her. It's funny how we became friends; I'm convinced that if she hadn't been living just down the street from me back in secondary school, such that her place became my second home, we wouldn't have become so close. Superficially, we have nothing in common; our tastes in music and literature differ greatly. She works in the arts industry; I work in administration. She's a great people person; I generally avoid hanging out in groups. And the list goes on.

But go a little deeper...and well, we've been through so much together. She's been there through each and every time I got my heart broken; she knows of most of my embarrassing secrets. We've seen each other through our awkward teenage years, and we're stumbling through adulthood together. We have inside jokes that we still find hilarious. We can go ages without any contact, but when we meet again, it's like no time at all has passed. We don't see each other very often, but if either of us really need someone, it only takes a text.

In short, she's my 3a.m. friend. More importantly, she's my sister of the heart. And one can never have too many sisters.

Gosh, I'm rather mushy today. That's probably because I didn't get much sleep. Plus, I'm procrastinating at work. But enough of that. Time to get down to work again. On a flipping Saturday. Groan groan.


But hey, I have a birthday party to go to today! One of my second cousins is celebrating her 8th (and I feel awful; I can't remember when her birthday actually is!), and she's having a fairy-themed party. Looks like I gotta get out my wand and wings! Oh, and I have to figure out the password too. Kids these days, making it so difficult to get to the cake!


Not that I'm going to be having any cake...I'd be disappointed about it, if not for the fact that I'm now visibly slimmer than I was a couple weeks ago.

How much slimmer? Well, I haven't measured yet, but now I slip into my jeans easily. I can slouch about at home in my jeans, without having to unbutton them any more. Yes, yes, it was highly difficult and uncomfortable to slouch over in my jeans. But now! Now they feel fine. In fact, they're a little loose! I have to wear a belt for the first time in months! I took my belt off its hook yesterday, and dusted it off. Literally dusted it off.

I don't have my huge tummy bump any more. In other words, I no longer look like I'm preggers! Well, damn. There goes people giving up their seats on the train for me.

I screwed up a bit yesterday - I forgot to bring my dinner to work, so went from work to hair to Bella, and didn't get home til 2am. So yeah. Skipped dinner. NOT GOOD.

But I've learnt my lesson; won't let it happen again. I can't wait to fit into my skinny jeans again!


Speaking of jeans, I was well amused last night to discover that Bella had no idea you're supposed to turn jeans inside out with you wash them. For those of you who also didn't know that, well...turning jeans inside out when you wash them helps to maintain the colour and shape. Ok? Ok.
Also, you don't have to wash your jeans every single week. Unlike my dear OCD-inflicted friend, who seems to think that jeans get manky after only a week. Every single week. I'm still shaking my head.


Another bimbo moment from Bella that I simply have to mention. We were talking about weird things we've eaten (or will never eat), which stemmed from me mentioned that I didn't like stinky tofu. We all agreed that we'll never eat balut, although we have a sneaking suspicion that it's probably really good. And a great source of protein. Besides, we eat eggs. We eat chicken. Why not the in-between? Just no.

Bella asked her friend, who's travelled a fair bit, about what's the weirdest thing he's ever eaten. He said that it was 'whale semen'. To which Bella responded "How do you..I dunno...harvest? How do you get whale semen?" We all just stared at her for a moment, before she realised that the whale is killed first. Yes, she did for a few seconds think that whale semen is "harvested" by some form of jacking it off. Lots of hilarity ensued, of course, complete with arm movements. Watch out for the next dance craze: The Whale-Wank.


Note: I do have my thoughts and opinions on whaling, but there's a time and place for discussing them. Last night wasn't the time, this blog isn't the place. :)

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