
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Well-deserved Weekend

Finally. It's the weekend. This week was more exhausting than usual, even though it was a 4-day weekend. I was just incredibly busy, and running on fumes and caffeine.

Last night was a riot. Sis!S made an amazing chocolate cake for Cola's 4th birthday.

I'm not sure which part of the cake I liked best
Having the family over is always a good time. Unfortunately, I wasn't in a very sociable mood, and I mostly hung out in my room with Godson. I ended up falling asleep, of course!

Today was a pretty quiet day. Looked after BabyGirl mostly - the poor darling is under the weather, I'm afraid. Terrible runny nose all day. She's all tucked up in bed now; I do hope she sleeps well and wakes up feeling better tomorrow.

Other than that, I caught up on some Criminal Minds. It's odd now, that the main characters are changing. Thomas Gibson, aka Aaron Hotchner is no longer part of the cast, which is rather strange. He was there right from the start!
Hawaii Five-0 is even more annoying and racist than usual. Not sure I can keep watching this garbage...I can feel my brain cells dying off!

Need to start running again soon. Now that I've lost a fair bit of weight, my knee and my back rarely hurt the way they used to, and on the rare occasions that my back aches, it's not nearly as bad as it once was. Although I did do something weird to my right ankle; it's giving off these odd twinges now and again.

Ah, mysterious aches and pains. Symptom of aging, really.

Allrighty then. I'd best go upstairs and keep BabyGirl company.

Thanks to Sis!S, I now have an hankering for a Kit Kat...

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