
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Wasn't Friday just five minutes ago?!

Wow, I must've blinked. Where did the weekend go?

...oh yeah, family and tv binging. With a couple naps thrown in for good measure.

I'm all caught up on Criminal Minds now. Thing about not watching it for so long, with a memory like mine, it takes ages to recall what the callbacks refer to.
As I mentioned earlier, not having Hotch around is going to take some getting used to. He seemed to be such a staple of the series from the get go. Such a shame, really. But perhaps not all is lost? After all, both Paget Brewster and AJ Cook are I'm going to wait and see what happens with Thomas Gibson.

It's horrible and brilliant how Criminal Minds really messes with the mind and preys on phobias.
Child abduction, being burnt to death, concrete, which is pretty much being buried alive...ugh. Terrifying.

It's so weird watching something as gritty as Criminal Minds, and then following that up with something as annoying ridiculous as Hawaii Five-0. I mean, seriously. Why even do I still watch that crap? It's so annoying how McGarrett is the superhero stuntman who saves the day every day...and that Danno is just the buttmonkey who does nothing but nag and be unreasonable. It's getting more unbearable, as Danno isn't showing up as much.

The second episode of this season (7, in case anyone's interested...) really irked me. As if this show isn't racist enough, they have to play the whole "bomber = Muslim" card. Ugh.
I endured the next couple eps, and it was somewhat redeemed in the fifth episode. Interesting that in a show about cops and guns and improbably shootouts, they brought up the hot topic of gun control. And interestingly enough, it sounded almost as though the writers were actually for tighter restrictions. That one was followed by the Halloween episode, which...was actually not too bad! I was getting irritated at the start, thinking that they might actually pull in the whole supernatural element, but thankfully, they did have a proper scientific (well, as scientific as this show can possibly get) explanation for it all.

Why do I still watch this show even though every single episode irritates me? I have no earthly clue.

I'm also almost all caught up with Suits. Only two episodes to go. I'm not sure I like where it's going, and I wonder if it's going to get renewed. Would be interesting to see how they write it from this point forward, seeing as how the original premise is pretty much dead.

I'm going to have to catch up with Supernatural too. Kay's coming over in a few weeks for a Supernatural Season 5 rewatch marathon, and if I'm to fangirl and fan-argue with her, I'm going to need to be all up to date.

I'm also trying to binge rewatch all of Gilmore Girls before the revival, which leaves me 19 days. According to Binge Clock, Gilmore Girls will take up a total of 6 days and 9 hours. But since I'm Netflixing it, therefore skipping all the commercials, it will only take 4 days, 16 hours and 12 minutes. No problem, right? Unfortunately, that 19 days also includes boring things like sleeping and working and family stuff... But hey. Challenge accepted!

Too much TV to watch...too little time to do it in...

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