
Monday, November 7, 2016

Bow Down to the Master

Wait a minute. I can't believe I haven't posted about this before now!

I previously mentioned, way back in 2011, that I'd decided to pursue a Master's Degree. I also mentioned that if all went well, I would have been done in two years or so. Yeaaah, best laid plans and all that. Life happened, in a big way. I've been so busy with family and work and other challenges, that I had to defer and delay a few modules along the way.

I've complained about how very knackered I was, especially during Red Bull Week.

I lamented that I was soclose to giving up on my thesis. Yes, I honestly very nearly did throw in the towel. It didn't help that I was suffering through a little fight with my black dog for a while.

But I screwed my courage to the sticking place, and I did not fail.

I started researching and writing my dissertation in September 2015.
I submitted it in January 2016.

Clearly, I am the Queen of Siberia.

Or perhaps not. For instead of six months, I did it in four. Go me!

On my birthday, I went home after a brilliant night out, to find that a simply marvellous birthday present had arrived in the mail.

Censored for obvious reasons

Thass right. I now has a piece of paper that tells me that I be smart.

Or at least that I know how to read and write.

One would think that being able to churn out 50k words would mean that I could possibly churn out the same number of words for a fiction novel.

It's now November. Clearly, I'm still not doing Nanowrimo. But hey, so far so good with Wriso.
Perhaps next year, I shall do Nano. (Which is what I've been saying every year for the past decade, at least. Procrastinators of the world unite...tomorrow!)

But yeah. Rambling aside, I did it. I wrote a dissertation. I passed said dissertation. I have a really expensive piece of paper to show for it.

Yeah, seems about right

Ok, as dismissive and self-deprecating as I seem, I'm actually really proud of myself. Faced with several challenges and constraints, I stuck to it, and I did it.

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