
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday also blah

I woke up feeling even worse today. Did NOT want to come in to work. Thing is, lots of work to be done today, so I dragged myself in.

Managed to get the important work out of the way, but I think I'll leave early and work from home the rest of the afternoon. I'm knackered!

Last night, I picked up my copy of Cursed Child again, but had to reread it from the start, as I'd lost track of what was going on. It's an easy enough read, but it's a bit odd reading a script; I'd much rather have watched it on stage. What threw me off as well was that there aren't classic stage directions in it; when I read a script, I expect stage directions! There was also a fair bit of interpretations of actions. I don't quite know how to explain it without actually quoting it (and therefore potentially spoilering. Then again, it's been three and a half months...I guess spoilering it is fine?), but it just felt like an amateurish script. It was very reminiscent of the works that my classmates and I did for our literature and drama projects back in school.

That said, I did love the story, and I really do have to watch it on stage some time! The London production's pretty much fully booked well into next year, so I'll just have to wait and see.

So yes, I kept up my end of the pact...Nekowife hasn't finished it yet - she's only got about 10 hours to go before the deadline is up!


I'm halfway through the second season of Gilmore Girls. I think I have 117 episodes to go. Each episode is approximately 40 minutes long. So that would be about 4680 minutes worth, which is 78 hours. Which is 3.25 days.

See kids? Maths is useful; stay in school.

Yeah, I'm not going to finish watching all of them before the revival episodes are released. But believe you me, I'm going to make a valiant effort! I'll keep you updated on my progress.

In the meantime, I might have to succumb to my humanness and actually get some sleep during the week.


I just realised that I don't actually have a tag for Harry Potter. I shall rectify that immediately.

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