
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Oops I did it again!

I napped yesterday evening for about 3 hours...and then didn't sleep all night again. Today was an extremely long day! But at least it was a pretty busy day.

And omg! The World Series! (which only has one participating country, hmm...)
I was listening to the game live, and following along on twitter. What a game! History really was made today. What an amazing, exciting, heartstopping game! I'm not a Cubs fan at all... I root for their rivals! But I'm pretty happy for the Cubbies; it really was a great season for them.
And my ex-colleague (who I blognamed PoptartBoss) is a huge Cubs fan, he's 71, and had given up hope of seeing the Cubs clinch the title. I'm so glad for him!

I also shared the classic Abbott & Costello routine Who's On First with my colleague, Miss Trench. For some reason, I'd mentioned it to her yesterday, and since I was listening to the game, I thought of this routine again, so emailed her the link.
It's hilarious, and I laugh every single time I hear it.

Third base!

I went to Ikea today after work. Meant to get one thing for me, and one thing for Mum. Wandered around Ikea hell for a couple hours...walked out with loads of things. But that one thing I wanted to get for myself? I forgot. Yes, I'm quite the genius, obviously!

Speaking of genius, I think the smart thing to do would be to get some sleep tonight. But as I mentioned to Doof earlier, I am like a camel, only with sleep. I get lots of sleep on the weekend, and barely any during the week.

I'm pretty exhausted now, so I'm going to chill out, watch a couple episodes of...hmm. Supernatural? Suits? Hawaii Five-0? Criminal Minds? I think I'll go with H50 - that's the most mindless and ridiculous of the lot!

I'm finally all caught up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Big Bang Theory. I'll eventually catch up on the rest of my tv addictions. And seeing as how I have a few Fridays off this year, i.e. I have a few long weekends coming up... I might just be able to do the Harry Potter marathon I've been wanting to do for ages! Plus, with Fantastic Beasts coming out, I find myself craving more HP goodness.

But yeah, as exhausted as I am, I can't turn in until I've gotten BabyGirl settled for the night. So in the meantime, I'm going to just veg out for a bit.

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