
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Worms are gross...and so are mornings

After enjoying a 4-day weekend, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up on time for work on Tuesday morning, especially since I went to bed after midnight. Turns out that fear was unfounded... I was up before 5am, and got to the office at the crack of dawn.

Of course, everyone feigned shocked to see me in so early.

I did it again today. Only worse, because I haven't slept a wink! Decided that I'd passed the point of no return once it hit 3.30, started getting ready at 4, took my time, even had time to go to the shops to pick up some stuff for the office. Arrived at 5.40, when the yard was still pitch black. First in the office today!

The great thing about coming in so early is that I get loads done. Yesterday was especially busy; Mondays and Tuesdays are my busiest day, and the last/first days of the month are too. I had Friday off, and Monday was a holiday, so I had to cram 3 days of work into one, including the busy end-month + weekly reporting. I was awfully productive though!

The horrid thing about coming in so early is that the day just goes on foreeever. It's only 9 now, and I've already been here for more than 3 hours. I think I'll skip out sharp at 4pm today.

3 hours to go before it's 4 hours to go.

I can do this.


but the early worm gets eaten...

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