
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Leavin' it to leaven

Baked bun susi today, like I said I would. Really easy, really fun, and omg, really yummy!

And I've been doing cakes and cookies and muffins and pastries, and I'd completely forgotten how much I love working with bread dough. Note to self: bake more breads!

More pictures later on, but these are of the rising dough. It's like magic!

Before rising

10 min later. Wow, that's fluffy!

20 minutes later OMG HALP IT'S ATTACKING.

First it was sugee cake. Now it's bun susi. I'm becoming Eurasian, one dish at a time.

There will be no pictures of the finished product after all. The product was finished too quickly for photos to be taken. And yours truly was in such a rush that photos were not taken before the hungry hordes attacked. Oops!

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