
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

At least it's not Monday!

If I cab it to work, I almost always take the exact same route. Today, I decided to take the old route, so I could give bro a lift.

I now remember why I switched routes. The number of traffic lights! The amount of traffic! Regular route has two junctions before I hit the expressway. This route? I'm already at the 4th light, and I'm still an 8-minute walk from home.

I'll now be late for work. Damn my thoughtfulness! My bro's an adult, he can jolly well go to work on his own!

...oh, who am I kidding? He's still my baby bro, I'll still knock on his door to wake him, and I'll still give him a lift if I'm taking a cab.
Besides, if I'm late, I just get sideways glances and not-so-subtle hints. He's late, he gets charged.

6 minutes to get to the office. I am...not going to make the 7.30 mark.

Oh, one more thing. You know how there are very few things that actually taste good after you've brushed your teeth? Yoghurt is not one of those things. Learn from my fail, my friends; learn from my fail.

- Posted from KiP
Location:on the road

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