
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Attack of the Killer Lizard

Wow, this has been some week!

Went out with the parents and Calis on Sunday, for Mothers' Day, and had a lovely time with them. Made plans to meet JJ for happy hour on Monday, but I couldn't make it for some reason I can't remember right now, so changed the date to Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon, Mum called me in the office and said that she had to go to the hospital. Turns out she was severely anaemic, and needed a blood transfusion.

Mum spent a couple days in the hospital, and she came home Thursday. I'm so glad and relieved she's ok. Calis missed her terribly when she was away, and I was, frankly, really worried, even though I played it down for Nan and Calis.

Anyway, I cancelled on JJ, and I also cancelled on My Girls (I was supposed to meet them on Wednesday), so I could take care of Calis and things at home. Today, I decided that since Dad was home and could keep an eye on things (and Mum!), I would go out for dinner and drinks. I'd spoken to Terry on Sunday, and we said end of the week, so I gave him a shout, and off we went!

Ended up going to Miss Clarity Cafe down on Purvis Street. I was there almost exactly a year ago! And me being me, I ate almost the exact same thing. Terry and I split everything - a lovely, thick mushroom soup, a delightful paella with chorizo, ham and bacon (can never go wrong with bacon, really), and the exact same dessert I had last time. And Terry and I both agreed that the best desserts are those that are a mixture of hot and cold, especially if there's chocolate involved.

Strolled around a bit, and went to Loof for drinks. It's quite amusing, really. I think the last time I met him, we ended up at Loof as well. We hung out so much longer than I'd thought we would, and I had a brilliant time. It's been years since we last met, and I really think we shouldn't let another couple years pass just like that.

Got home about 15 minutes ago, and popped into the shower. Hung up my towel, stripped, and then took off my glasses. Turned on the shower, and what do I see? A HUGE LIZARD. Alright, I'm really not sure how big it really was, since I'm blind without my specs, but I could tell it was pretty darn big. (Big for a house lizard, not big like monitor lizard. Thank goodness.)

I froze, lizard scuttled off. Thing is, I couldn't see where it had gone to. For all I know, it was hiding behind my towel! So I put my glasses back on, showered in double-quick time, brushed my teeth, and...well, I wasn't about to risk grabbing my towel! What if killer lizard had jumped out at me?! I COULD HAVE DIED.

Yes, I snuck out of bathroom butt naked and dripping wet. Thank goodness I always have a smaller towel hanging on the back of my bedroom door! I'm now safe in bed, and going to watch one more episode of QI before I have to wake up for work. In...4 hours, guh.

I hope lizard doesn't find its way to my bedroom. I really should booby trap the perimeter.

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