
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kismet, I tell ya.

Went out today after work, to meet up with a bloke I recently got to know. Met up with him for coffee, which is really just leaving an escape route, no? If we don't like each other's company, hey, it was just for coffee, and we can cut and run. If we enjoy each other's company, we can extend the evening.

Which is what we did. Ended up going over to his place, where he cooked dinner and we just hung out for hours. Had such a lovely evening, really!

Left his place about half eleven, even though I was really tempted to stay a bit longer (and I knew I was welcome to!), and was thinking that I'd just had two wonderful evenings in a row. I was going to grab a cab from where I was, but I decided to swing by 7-11 first. So I walked the other way towards 7-11, and I actually walked the longer way by mistake. Clearly, the mistake was meant to be made, for that's when I ran into none other than my favourite older male first cousin. (The fact that he's my only older male first cousin is completely irrelevant, of course.) I didn't literally run into him, but I would have, had I not looked up from my phone!

It was a total "coincidence" that we saw each other; he had picked that exact moment to walk out of the building, and I was walking past at the very same time! I don't believe in coincidences though...the Universe totally wanted me to meet him! I hadn't seen him since Christmas, and we haven't had a proper conversation in bloody years! So we decided to hang out for a bit, and we spent a lovely couple hours catching up and just having a laugh.

And I had not one, but two pints of Guinness. Doof had better be proud of me for that one.
I'm so very glad we got the chance to sit down, just the two of us. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed him until today. We used to be really close, and in fact, he was at one time my best friend, the big brother I never had, until life got in the way and pulled us apart. I'm hoping...nay, I'm planning to keep in touch with him more often. I'd really, really missed him!

Oh, what a wonderful weekend I'm having. And it's not even over!
In the past two days, I've met someone new, and reconnected with two old and so very dear friends. Tomorrow, I meet up with another old friend and her friends, therefore more new connections for me to make! We're going to Fort Canning Park to see my favourite Shakespeare play of all time! Yep, that Scottish one, whose name we will not mention, for it's bad luck to utter its name.

My life is filled with blessings, and it just keeps getting better.

I am so happy right now, I can't stop smiling!

But I'm also really knackered, and if I'm to wake up early enough to bake brownies for picnic, I'd better get to sleep right now.

Thank you, Universe. I'm having such a beautiful time!

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