
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Time flies!

One week into the new year, and I'm still having a good time. Today was rather uneventful. Have loads of work to do, which is good; I'd rather be occupied than to be bored witless.

Fixed dinner tonight. The simplest thing ever to make: pasta! The sauce was easy, just had more steps than just opening the jar...
Olive oil, garlic, minced beef, tomato-based sauce straight out of the jar, mushrooms (man, I hate slicing those), black olives (man, I hate slicing those too), cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, and dried herbs.

Verdict: I liked it. I just can't do tomato-based pasta without cheese though. Mmmm...cheese.

Tomorrow! Is Thursday!
I think I'll go shopping. Want to get a new dress for Saturday; colleague's son's wedding dinner, and I haven't a stitch to wear. I do, however, have great shoes! Can't very well show up wearing nothing but shoes, though, so I might want to make sure I have a pretty dress to to with it.

I think I'll go get manicured. My nails are really long, and it'd be nice to have them pretty on Saturday. How on earth did they grow so long, though? They were rather short at Christmas, and that was only 2 weeks ago! Oh well. They're so long, the nail-biter in me is crying. I'm so glad I've stopped biting my nails; it's rather difficult to act the dumb ditz with ugly nails. ;)

How has the time passed so quickly today? it's already 10:30pm! Have to do dishes, and that includes pots and pans. Which I'm not a big fan of doing. Technically, I don't have to do it, but how pleasant would it be for Mum to come home to a sinkload of dirty dishes, ey?

Ok, plan for tonight:
Do dishes, pick out and iron clothes for tomorrow (hmm. Jeans again? Perhaps.), brush teeth, wash face, remind Doof of five (FIVE?!?), then go to bed. Couple games of Tetris on my phone, then sleep.

Good plan, no?

I am deliberately not thinking of quotes about the best-laid plans, and what happens when you're busy making other plans.

Happy moments of the day:
- Joking with PopTart!Boss*; he has a great sense of humour, and understands mine

- Having homecooked food for lunch in the office

- realising I'll have homecooked food for lunch in the office tomorrow, because of my

- cooking dinner for Bro and Sis2**

- Meeting Bro at the bus stop and walking home with him

- Teasing and getting teased by Stella & the guys on the way home

- Conversing and communicating with the Leprechaun. 3 times.

- Two words: black olives. Black. Olives. BLACK. OLIVES.

- Cheeeeese.

* I call him PopTart!Boss because (well, actually Bunny started calling him that) because he's the one who knows I love pop tarts, and a couple times now, he's left a box of pop tarts on my desk.

** "Cook dinner for the family" is #7 on my list, but I'm not sure if I should count today as part of mission 101. I did plan to cook dinner for the family tonight, but Mum called me at the office this morning and told me she'd be out, and asked me to see to dinner for me and Bro.
So does it still count? I'll have to think about that.

Hokay. Time to see if I can make headway on those plans.

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