
Friday, January 2, 2009

Mission: In Progress

With the start of a new year comes new hope and new beginnings.

2009 is no different. I've started the year on a positive note, and I fully intend to keep it that way. I'm putting the past in my behind (hur hur) and moving on.

Everyone makes new year resolutions. Quit smoking, start exercising, blah blah blah.
Me? Not quite. There are a million things I've wanted to do for ages now, and never quite got the kickstart I needed. Then again, perhaps I just didn't want to start.

LJ Spotlight has graciously given me that motivation I was looking for, in the form of
mission101_2009. Do I have my list of 101 things? Absolutely. They range from the rather mundane to the quite ambitious. So yes, time to start doing those million things I've wanted to accomplish. Or at least a hundred and one. I've started walking the path to a happier life, and I'm looking forward to the journey.

Start: January 1, 2009
End: September 29, 2011

bold = completed
italic = in progress

1. Start driving lessons.
2. Obtain driver’s license.
3. Take up and complete the TESOL course.
4. Take up a course in first aid.
5. Take up a course for fun.

6. Learn to cook at least one Eurasian dish.
7. Have dinner at a nice restaurant once a month. (0/33)
8. Cook dinner for the family at least once a month. (0/33)
9. Prepare breakfast for the family at least once a month. (0/33)
10. Bake ten new items. (0/10)
11. Cook five new recipes. (0/5)
12. Compile the recipes I have tried and loved.
13. Bake for the office twice. (0/2)

14. Watch thirty movies in the cinema. (1/30)
15. Watch the DVDs that I already own.
16. Attend two concerts. (0/2)
17. Attend five plays/musicals. (0/5)
18. Visit an art gallery.
19. Visit a museum.
20. Go clubbing alone.
21. Go out once a week.

22. Have a savings plan in place.
23. Have a life insurance plan.
24. Pay off at least 80% of The Debt.
25. Save $1 a day for 1001 days. (3/1001)
26. Put aside $1 for every completed item on this list.

27. Clear out my wardrobe and throw away clothes that I haven’t used in 6 months.
28. Do laundry at least once a week.
29. Tidy my room once a month.
30. Vacuum the floors once a week.

31. Restart collection of Discworld novels.
32. Try to read the books I own and haven’t read.
33. Read at least one book a month.
34. Keep records of all books completed.
35. Compile a list of the books I own.

Health / Appearance
36. Have a proper skin-cleansing regime.
37. Clean off make up before I go to bed, all the time.
38. Use moisturizer every day.
39. Workout at least twice a week, even if it’s only for 10 minutes at a time.
40. Start going to the dentist again.
41. Floss regularly.
42. Have a complete women’s medical check-up.
43. Wake up at 6am on weekdays for one month.
44. Drink at least one litre of plain water a day.
45. Consume one fruit a day.
46. Wear a dress to work at least once a month. (0/33)
47. Wear a skirt to work every day for a week.
48. Dye my hair.
49. Stop smoking for 5 consecutive days. (0/5)
50. Stop smoking for 14 consecutive days. (0/14)
51. Stop smoking.
52. No alcohol for a calendar month.
53. Run 2K.
54. Run 5K.
55. Run 10K.
56. Get tested for STDs.
57. Get up by 8am 5 times on weekends. (0/5)
58. Do thirty sit-ups a day for thirty consecutive days. (0/30)
59. Eat breakfast every day for two weeks.

60. Travel to a place I’ve never been to before.
61. Travel alone.
62. Travel to a place that has strong memories/negative associations.
63. Visit London.

64. Write down one thing that I am thankful for every day for 60 days. (3/60)
65. Write down one thing that has made me happy every day. (3/1001)
66. Buy a diamond ring for myself.
67. Update my LJ at least once a week.
68. Do the 100 snapshots challenge.
69. Go an entire week without swearing.
70. Spend one Saturday bus-hopping around the country.
71. Post a secret to Postsecret.
72. Leave a note in a book at a bookstore ten times. (0/10)
73. Go to the beach alone.
74. Go to church at least once a month. (0/33)
75. Laugh often, laugh loud.
76. Walk in the rain.
77. Update the music on my iPod.
78. Listen to at least one song every day that makes me happy. (4/1001)
79. Get a massage.
80. Read an affirmation every day. (4/1001)
81. Iron my outfit for work the night before.
82. Keep track of my 101 things.
83. Blog about each completed item.
84. Donate a million grains on (0/1000000)
85. Try five different alcoholic drinks. (0/5)
86. Have a picnic in the park alone.
87. Install Ubuntu.
88. Stay off the internet for 5 working days. (0/5)

89. Spend more time with Calista.
90. Call 10 people, for no reason. (0/10)
91. Make jello shots for one family function.
92. Prepare a dish for one family function.
93. Buy dinner for the family.
94. Buy something for ten people because it reminds me of them. (0/10)
95. Go home immediately after work every day for a week.
96. Send out Christmas cards early.
97. Complete all Christmas shopping before the 20th.
98. Send flowers to five women. (0/5)
99. Send flowers to a guy.
100. Send a birthday card to ten people. (0/10)
101. Send three care packages to friends. (0/3)

1 comment:

wanderr*girl said...

Hi Ki! :) Thanks for leaving a comment on my Mission 101 Blog. I'll put you on my blog roll and subscribe to your feed so I can be updated on your progress too. Plus, it'll be a reminder for me to always keep track of my goals as well.

Good luck on your list! I see a lot of things I also wanna do but didn't want to include in my list (such as send a secret to Postsecret AND consume one fruit a day :P).. but oh well, I can always do them anyway haha :D

PS. I'm not that tiny, but I hit 107 before without looking unhealthy/starving. But now that you mention it, I might make it to 110. I don't want to deprive myself too much lol ;)