
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009!

First day of the year was spent...well, mostly sleeping. Woke up past 1pm! Glorious day to sleep in, what with the rain. I would have slept even longer, if my sister hadn't woken me up. Sometimes I do get annoyed with her, but I am glad she's able to annoy me.

Chillaxed at home with the folks, had a nice dinner, and now...I'm about ready to crash again. I'm yawning already! I think I'll have a shower and then go to bed.

Work tomorrow, and it'll be friiiiddaaaayyy!!!!
Oh, that reminds me to get my outfit ready for work. It's a LOT quicker for me to get ready in the morning if all my things are prepared and laid out. And ironed. Hmm. But since it's Friday, I'm going with jeans and sneakers. Yay for no dress codes!

Today I'm thankful for my mum, who's always made sure there's food on the table. Plus, she's an amazing cook.

What made me happy today? Watching Don't Forget the Lyrics with Dad. We were singing along, and I surprised myself by knowing the missing lyrics.

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