
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mission 101 - My List

Start: January 1, 2009
End: September 29, 2011

Review done on December 31, 2011
Stopped checking in during 2009, due to illness in the family, but tried to keep a mental tally during and after.

bold = completed
italic = in progress

1. Start driving lessons.
- I started on my MA, which takes priority over driving!
2. Obtain driver’s license.
- so yeah, didn't get this one done either.
3. Take up and complete the TESOL course.
- Done! Well, I still have a few assignments to hand in...
4. Take up a course in first aid.
- I really gotta do this.
5. Take up a course for fun.
- I'm going to take up Cake Decorating in 2012!

Total complete: 3

6. Learn to cook at least one Eurasian dish. (shepherd's pie doesn't count)
- made pang susi for the first time, for Godson's baptism.
- made sugee cake, several times, which was declared a hit.
7. Have dinner at a nice restaurant once a month. (6/33)
Mykii (Jan 2009)
Foster's (SK; 15/1/09)
Minori (Sof; 18/1/09)
- carrying over one from January, as February was a turbulent month for the family
- ate at Mykii and Foster's again in March.
- April: Foster's again! Twice!
- May:
- June: in Phuket!
- I stopped keeping track, sadly. But I know I've eaten out a lot!
8. Cook dinner for the family at least once a month. (4/33)
- Fri 16 Jan 2009
- several times in February
- couple times in March
- Thu 9 Apr 2009
- again, stopped keeping track. I rarely cook for the family now though. I gotta think about this one again.
9. Prepare breakfast for the family at least once a month. (0/33)
Whoops. Does ordering from Maccers count?
10. Bake ten new items. (1/10)
- 9/4/09; baked salmon
I actually have been baking new things. I made pineapple tarts and mince pies for the first time, as well as sugee cake.
11. Cook five new recipes. (1/5)
- baked salmon marinated in maple syrup, with broccoli and potatoes, served with elbow pasta with red & yellow peppers & italian dressing
- I know I've tried new recipes; I just can't remember what!
12. Compile the recipes I have tried and loved.
13. Bake for the office twice. (2/2)
- I've baked brownies and cookies, and everyone loved it!

 Total complete: 2

14. Watch thirty movies in the cinema. (3/30)
Bedtime Stories; Aidan and Calis; Sun 4/1/09; Vivo
17 Again; Bunny; Sat 18/4/09
- Angels and Demons; Stella; Sat 16 May, and again on Mon 18 May with Bunny.
Hmm. Maybe I'll start this one again? I rarely go to the cinema now! I have watched a few, mostly with the kids though.
15. Watch the DVDs that I already own.
- err.
16. Attend two concerts. (2/2)
- can't remember when, but I did see Mika in concert, and in March of this year, I went to Timbre Rock & Roots, and caught the performances by Bob Dylan, John Legend, Imogen Heap, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Trombone Shorty.
17. Attend five plays/musicals. (10/5)
Rainbow's Ending by We Colour People Theatre, Sun 18/1/09; Sof
- Cats, Esplanade, Wed 22/4/09; Bunny
- The Tempest, Esplanade, March 2010
- Blackbird, DBS Arts Centre, Oct 2010
- Macbeth, Fort Canning, May 2011
- The Lion King, Sands Theatre, May 2011
- Wicked, London, August 2011
- Les Misérables, London, August 2011
- Mousetrap, London, August 2011
- Mort, London, August 2011
18. Visit an art gallery.
- The National Gallery, London, August 2011
19. Visit a museum.
- several museums
20. Go clubbing alone.
21. Go out once a week.

 Total complete: 5

22. Have a savings plan in place.
23. Have a life insurance plan.
24. Pay off at least 80% of The Debt.
25. Save $1 a day for 1001 days. (1001/1001)
26. Put aside $1 for every completed item on this list. (48/1001)
-#66; 9/1/09
-#95; updated 16/2/09
-#76; completed 25/2/09
-#52; completed 28/2/09
-#59; completed 14/2/09
-#60; completed 1/3/09
-#65; completed end-March
-#48; completed 19/4/09
- oops, I didn't continue to keep track!

 Total complete: 5

27. Clear out my wardrobe and throw away clothes that I haven’t used in 6 months.
28. Do laundry at least once a week.
- I can't count this as complete, now that we have a domestic helper who does most of the housework!
29. Tidy my room once a month.
- See #28
30. Vacuum the floors once a week.
- I stopped doing this, because, well, see #29.

 Total complete: 1

31. Restart collection of Discworld novels.
32. Try to read the books I own and haven’t read.
33. Read at least one book a month. (6/33)
- I've read a few, more than 6, but not quite one a month though!
34. Keep records of all books completed.
- Things I Want My Daughters to Know, Elizabeth Noble (Jan 09)
- Who's That Girl, Alexandra Potter (Feb 09)
- Two for Joy, Patricia Scanlan (Feb 09)
- Coraline, Neil Gaiman (Mar 09)
- Hope's Boy, Andrew Bridge (Mar 09)
- This Charming Man, Marian Keyes (Mar 09)
- The Wednesday Letters, Jason F. Wright (Apr 09)
- The Clique/Best Friends for Never/Revenge of the Wannabes, Lisi Harrison (Apr 09)
- oops. I stopped keeping track.
35. Compile a list of the books I own.
- I've started using the My Library app. It's brilliant!

 Total complete: 1

Health / Appearance
36. Have a proper skin-cleansing regime.
37. Clean off make up before I go to bed, all the time.
- ok....not ALL the time.
38. Use moisturizer every day.
- ok...not EVERY day.
39. Workout at least twice a week, even if it’s only for 10 minutes at a time.
- err.
40. Start going to the dentist again.
41. Floss regularly.
42. Have a complete women’s medical check-up.
43. Wake up at 6am on weekdays for one month.
- eww.
44. Drink at least one litre of plain water a day.
- coffee is my life-blood
45. Consume one fruit a day.
46. Wear a dress to work at least once a month. (2/33)
- Monday 5 Jan 2009; yellow dress
- Monday 9 Mar 2009; b&w dress
47. Wear a skirt to work every day for a week.
48. Dye my hair.
- decided on highlights. Sun 19/4/09
49. Stop smoking for 5 consecutive days. (5/5)
50. Stop smoking for 14 consecutive days. (14/14)
51. Stop smoking.
52. No alcohol for a calendar month.
53. Run 2K.
54. Run 5K.
55. Run 10K.
56. Get tested for STDs.
57. Get up by 8am 5 times on weekends. (5/5)
58. Do thirty sit-ups a day for thirty consecutive days. (0/30)
- screw this. What was I thinking?
59. Eat breakfast every day for two weeks. (14/14)completed 14/2/09

 Total complete: 13

60. Travel to a place I’ve never been to before.
61. Travel alone.
62. Travel to a place that has strong memories/negative associations.
63. Visit London.

 Total complete: 4

64. Write down one thing that I am thankful for every day for 60 days. (60/60)
65. Write down at least one thing that has made me happy every day for 90 days. (90/90)
66. Buy a diamond ring for myself.
Friday 9 Jan 2009; Goldheart
67. Update my LJ at least once a week
- I blog semi-regularly; does that count?
68. Do the 100 snapshots challenge.
69. Go an entire week without swearing.
70. Spend one Saturday bus-hopping around the country.
- Yeah. Can't be arsed, really.
71. Post a secret to Postsecret.
72. Leave a note in a book at a bookstore ten times. (0/10)
- Darn, I forgot about this one!
73. Go to the beach alone.
- Meh. I haven't gone to the beach at all, alone or otherwise!
74. Go to church at least once a month. (3/33)
- 4 Jan 2009
- 22 Feb 2009
- 12 Apr 2009 (Easter Sun)
- .....yeah, didn't happen.
75. Laugh often, laugh loud.
- This one can't be quantified, but I do so love to laugh!
76. Walk in the rain.
77. Update the music on my iPod.
78. Listen to at least one song every day that makes me happy. (118/1001)
- I stopped keeping track! I do know there was a period in which I didn't listen to music at all. I realised that was the reason I was starting to get moody. When I listened to music again, all was better!
79. Get a massage.
80. Read an affirmation every day. (1001/1001)
81. Iron my outfit for work the night before.
82. Keep track of my 101 things.
83. Blog about each completed item.
84. Donate a million grains on (5570/1000000)
- Again. I stopped keeping track.
85. Try five different alcoholic drinks. (5/5)
86. Have a picnic in the park alone.
- Does just chilling out in the park alone count?
87. Install Ubuntu.
- Never did get around to doing this one. Sorry, Doof!
88. Stay off the internet for 5 working days. (0/5)

 Total complete: 9

89. Spend more time with Calista.
90. Call 10 people, for no reason. (2/10)
Kris A. (13 Jan 09)
- Hmm.
91. Make jello shots for one family function.
92. Prepare a dish for one family function.
93. Buy dinner for the family.
94. Buy something for ten people because it reminds me of them. (0/10)
95. Go home immediately after work every day for a week.
96. Send out Christmas cards early.
97. Complete all Christmas shopping before the 20th.
- I DID do it this year though!
98. Send flowers to five women. (1/5)
- Diane; 19/2/09; birthday
99. Send flowers to a guy.
100. Send a birthday card to ten people. (0/10)
101. Send three care packages to friends. (0/3)

 Total complete: 5

UPDATED: Tues 28 Apr '09; 1230hrs
(semi-updated on Thurs 16 July)
(reviewed Sat 31 Dec 2011)