
Thursday, January 22, 2009

More happy moments? Woohoo!

How amazing was today? The answer to that is: very!

If having so many happy moments wasn't enough for one day, I had a great evening after work too!

Tutored Kay again today. I found myself so excited as she started picking up what I was putting down. It's an amazing feeling when your kids just start understanding, and you see their eyes light up.

Her brothers are a riot as well. Played Uno with Kay and Lee, and sort of played hide-and-seek with Jay.

Kay gave me a lovely bracelet, which she made herself. She wanted to give me something, because she likes me. And today was only the second time she saw me! *heart melt*

Then again, maybe she's just buttering me up so I won't start scolding her. These kids are smart...

But they're so full of joy and laughter and life; I can't help but fall in love with them.

So yes, more happy moments:
- teaching Kay, and seeing her face light up with understanding

- playing with the kids

- discovering that Kay's grandmum knows mine, Kay's mum is a friend of my old's a small world after all!

- bus ride home. Temperature was perfect, I had my ipod, it was great

- checking my phone bill balance, only to discover that my account is in credit and my next bill isn't due for a week or so. Only $0.63, but that's still 63 cents less that I'll have to pay next time!

- getting the shower fixed. I was even wearing my low-rise jeans, so yes, crack showed. Hey, if you're going to play a plumber, you gotta look the part! I'm just missing the beer gut, but I can work on that

- realising that there are good DJs at Zouk this Saturday, and next Monday and Friday.

- realising that I have enough money to go to Zouk all three nights if I so decide. It's a great feeling not to have to worry about money, or being unable to go out because I'm out of cash.

Today's Thanksgiving
I am thankful that I have been granted the ability to teach children, and to have my passion for children. I love what I do; I do what I love.

Seems like just yesterday that I was saying:

Tomorrow! Is Friiiiiidaaaaaay!

How time flies when you're loving life.

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