
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Money in the Bank!

I just realised something!

It's almost payday (payday's on the 25th, but 25th = holiday, pay is earlier....24th is sunday, ergo pay is tomorrow/saturday)


I'm not broke yet!

Well. True, I've put some things on credit, but it's sooo nice to know that my bank account isn't empty before payday! I used to literally live paycheck to paycheck, sometimes even having to hunt for change in pockets and the washing machine...but now, NOW! I still have money in my account!

And I have just enough (I think) to pay off credit card bill in full!
*does the happy I have money dance*

This month, I've gone out, I've spent money (lots and lots of money), I've had a great time, I've given my bro cash, I've given him more cash to buy his shoes (which he wants to repay, and I'll let him, but I'm not worried about it).

And yet....still have money.


Hmm. I'd better check my phone bill.

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