
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Coffee and Dirty Jokes Make Me Happy

My colleague, hereafter known as DC, has sachets of instant coffee in our food drawer. Well, food drawer #1. (We have 3...yes, I'm putting on weight)
Anyhoo, it's not just any old instant coffee, it's OLDTOWN White Coffee 3-in-1 Hazelnut. The secret? The hazelnut. I used to go to Starbucks and drink their Hazelnut Lattes. This one? So much cheaper, and oh so tasty! Every time DC makes herself a cup, the aroma just taunts me until I get a cup for myself. It's gotten to the point where I have a cup of this delicious coffee every day.

I just wish coffee with milk didn't give me a stomachache. Damn me and my hopeless stomach! Of course, it doesn't help that I totally pigged out on Japanese food last night...

In other news, Poptart!Boss is back from his trip. He left last week, got back today. It's good to have him back in the office. For one, it's far too quiet when he's not around, and I can't really joke with anyone else the way I do with him. Nobody else gets my innuendos. Of course, the more innuendo behind my statements, the more innocent I look. Funny how my innocent expression doesn't fool him one bit...

Tutoring Kay tonight. I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm sure I'll have more to add later, but in case I forget these ones, I'm going to mention my

Happy Moments of the Day (so far):
- Stepping out of the freezing cold office only to be bathed in the warmth of the sun.

- getting called into Poptart!Boss's office, to read a funny email.

- receiving another funny email from Poptart!Boss a few minutes later. It's great that he knows I have a sense of humour, and I'll appreciate jokes like that. Yes, dirty jokes.

- Hazelnut coffee

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