
Thursday, January 22, 2009

I think to myself: What a Wonderful World

And what a wonderful Wednesday!

Pretty slow at work; nothing came in from the Yard side. Gave me a bit of time to catch up on filing backlog though, so that was good. Still got tons to do. I'm optimistic about getting it all done soon though!

Went for a company dinner at Sakura. The food wasn't too bad at all! I'm becoming rather fond of Japanese food! I ate sooo much. There were scallops, mussels, baby octopus, salmon sashimi, ebi tempura, edamame, grilled salmon, pie tee,, so much I can't list them all. I ate so much I could barely move!

Walked a bit after, to get to the bus stop...and got a stitch because I started walking too much, too fast, too soon. Waited for the bus for ages! Was almost asleep on my feet when it finally pulled up. Of course, I crashed once I was curled up in my corner seat. Thank goodness I woke up right at my stop! I woke up, looked around and my brain didn't quite kick into gear yet, so it took me a while to register where I was. Good thing I didn't miss my stop though; was far too knackered to leg it, although I would have.

There was so much happy music around me today. Morning music is almost always cheery, and I listened to the radio during work for a bit, and my ipod as I was walking, and then again radio at home. They've just been playing great music lately, ey!

I loved skimming through the articles today on the Inauguration. Some of them were rather insightful! But I'm way too sleepy to recall any of them right now.
Slept after 1.30 am, woke up....late.

Stella did remark that I gotta start coming to work on time. *blush*

Well then, to bed I shall go. Well, technically, I am in bed.
And I blame Doof for keeping me up so late.

As always, I'm ending off with my

Thanksgiving of the Day:
I am grateful that I work with great people. We've built up a good rapport, and there's generally good camaraderie in the office, which makes it a pleasure to be there.


Happy Moments of the Day:
- stepping out of my office and having the sun shine down on me, the sky was so blue and it was just such a beautiful day today

- still on weather: there was a lovely breeze going again today. Lovely, I say!

- Japanese food! Nom nom nom!

- untying my hair and having it fall around my shoulders, and it was so soft! Good hair days are love.

- taking photos with the girls at the restaurant

- seven different flavours of ice cream. Seven! Ice cream!

- bedtime cuddle with baby sis.

- so much happy music today! I felt like dancing almost all day

- talking to BigBoss on the drive to dinner. About politics mostly, and this and that and lots of joking

- talking to bro and then him coming over to kiss me goodnight. I miss my baby brother who would cuddle up with me, but I am so proud of the young man he's growing into

- sharing a brain with Doof. How else can one explain all the freaky times we read each other's thoughts?

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