
Sunday, January 4, 2009

3 Days In

Wow, it felt good waking up late today! And not having to go to work.
Met up with TehTarik at West Mall for a late lunch. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as crowded as I'd thought it would be. Ended up buying stuff at Watsons. TehTarik and I agreed that even if you don't need anything, you can walk into Watsons, and find something that you do need/want. The good thing about spending money at Watsons is knowing that you're not wasting money - that is, if you're getting toiletries, and not some of the rubbish that they do have. After all, things like toothpaste and cotton pads do get used! Unlike shoes..*eyes shoe cupboard guiltily*

Found this little booth at West Mall that sells OPI nail polish for far cheaper than nail salons do! Of course, we ended up getting a bottle each. And went to her place and painted our nails.

Did you know that Pastamania does delivery? I didn't, but I do now!

Semi-watched a couple of movies: The Darjeeling Limited on dvd, and another one that I can't quite recall right now.

I did say I only semi-watched it.

Finished watching the movie just in time to catch Whose Line Is It Anyway? and as always, it was a great laugh. I love the rapport between Colin and Ryan.
Gotta admit, I don't quite find female comedians as amusing...

Left her place shortly after to meet up with Yvonne. Hadn't seen her in ages, and it was good catching up again. She's another person whom I admire a lot, for her positive outlook on life.

Happy moments of the day:
Joking with my mum and BabyGirl before leaving to meet TehTarik
Finding a really nice OPI nail colour
Cuddling BabyGirl and tucking her in, and getting a kiss
Watching Whose Line
Hanging out with TehTarik and Yvonne

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful for my sister, who is the epitome of courage and optimism and determination.

Just heard this song on the radio, and this line always stands out for me:

You can't please everyone, so you gotta please yourself

Only three days in, and I'm having a great year so far. I feel the same way Bunny does, so I'm going to quote her here:
"All in all, 2009 has been great so far. Sure it's only the beginning, but I think it's an indication of how things are going to be for the rest of the year. And you know what? I like it. "


Anonymous said...

I like your "Happy moments of the day" :)
And ditto to what your friend Bunny said! I'm liking my 2009 thus far too!

bunnygoeszen said...

Maybe I'll do a "Happy moments of the day" thing too. Always good to be thankful for the good stuff!

Ki said...

Hurrah for having a great year so far!

I used to think that being happy was having big happy events in your life...I've realised that it's the moments that make life as sweet as it is. If we can stop to appreciate the little things, they add up to big things!