
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Closing a lovely weekend

Watched Bedtime Stories with my bro and younger sis today. Not one of Adam Sandler's best, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And as in all Adam Sandler's films, I enjoyed the cameos.

Bought a new pair of sunglasses, for only $19.90! I quite like them too.

Met up with Tink and TehTarik in the evening, and went to JP. My gosh, that place is always packed! Ended up having sushi for dinner, as it was away from the mall and hence, not crowded.

Happy moments of the day:
- Singing Give Thanks in church; that's always been one of my favourite hymns. I'm still humming it!
- Laughing with TehTarik and Tink in that cute stationery shop at JP
- Giving Tink her Christmas gift, and seeing her face light up
- Coming home to find that the baby nephew was here
- Just being with family

Today's thanksgiving:
For the past few days, I've been thankful for Mum, Dad and BabyGirl. Today, I give thanks for my family. They've always been there for me, and each individual is beautiful in their own way.

A new work week starts tomorrow. I have my yellow dress all ironed and ready to wear.

Must wake up early, because the bro starts school, and I don't want to have to fight for the bathroom in the morning.

Oh, saw a diamond ring at Soo Kee that I really really liked, and it was the last day of their sale. I admit that I was tempted to get it, thus fulfilling #66 on my list. But reason kicked in and I decided that I definitely do not want to be totally broke for the rest of the month, so wisely walked away. I did get me those sunglasses, so I'm happy!

Right then. Time to get ready for bed. Chances are that I won't actually go to sleep for a while yet, but hey, hope springs eternal!

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