
Monday, January 5, 2009

Mission 101: An Update

14. Watch thirty movies in the cinema. (1/30)
Watched Bedtime Stories with bro and sis (Sun, 4/1/09)

21. Go out once a week.
Went out a couple times last week.

25. Save $1 a day for 1001 days. (5/1001)
I put a dollar into my Mission 101 money box every day this month. So far, so good. I'm now $5 richer.

28. Do laundry at least once a week.
threw a load into the machine last night. Still gotta hang it all up to dry, then put it away. I'll do that this evening when I get back from work.

37. Clean off make up before I go to bed, all the time.
This one's easy, since I shower before bed, and I wash my face. I've also bought those wipes, for those nights when I get back late and all I want to do is just pass out.

38. Use moisturizer every day.
I've been moisturizing every night before bed; it's become part of my night routine. I also make sure to use moisturiser before putting on make-up.

46. Wear a dress to work at least once a month. (1/33)
That's today! Bright yellow dress. Bright. Yellow.

64. Write down one thing that I am thankful for every day for 60 days. (5/60)
65. Write down one thing that has made me happy every day. (5/1001)

Blogged about it!

74. Go to church at least once a month. (1/33)
Went to church yesterday. Even if I don't get much spiritual enlightenment, it's still quality family time. And for the record, I do believe I'm getting spiritually enlightened. :D

75. Laugh often, laugh loud.
As often as I can.

80. Read an affirmation every day. (6/1001)
And I note it on my blog as well.
I've found that for the past few days, the affirmation carries me through the day. And I like it.

81. Iron my outfit for work the night before.
I did this last night! And it saved me so much time in the morning; I didn't have to stand in front of my cupboard for ages choosing what to wear, and then ironing it.

82. Keep track of my 101 things.


89. Spend more time with Calista.
Took her for a movie yesterday, and I'm enjoying the last few minutes of the day, when I tuck her in and talk to her for a while.

90. Call 10 people, for no reason. (1/10)
Called VH today. I wish I could cheer him up a bit more; he seems to take pleasure in being gloomy. Then again, I used to be like that too, so perhaps he's just not ready to be happy. One day, I'm sure.

So there you go. 15/101 items are in progress. Many of the items on my list are a long-term undertaking, so they won't be completed anytime soon. But I'm not going to rush through them, just so I can say that I completed them. Each item has a significance to me, and I'm taking it a day at a time.

I still have 996 and a half days to go, and I'm looking forward to them!


bunnygoeszen said...

Junk food contributes to poor health.
I am worth more, so I eat healthy food from now on.

Woah, I was thinking this today when I was eating my uber-yummy healthy sandwich. Well, not in those exact words, but I do want to consciously make healthier eating choices.

Ki said...

It was pretty coincidental for me too. I'd packed lunch last night. Healthy, homecooked food. This morning, read that affirmation. Then at lunch, you mention the healthy sandwich.

Anonymous said...

You have been a busy, busy bee :D Congratulations! You've accomplished so much already!