
Monday, January 5, 2009

Best. Monday. Ever.

Well, it got off to a bit of a rocky start. I woke up later than I'd wanted, so had to really rush.

Busy day at the office, but of course, I still had time to chill out a bit. And enjoyed lunch immensely. Mum's homecooked food is soooooo much better than cup noodles. Which goes without saying, of course. Mmmmmmum's cooking.
It was quite a coincidence, really. I packed the lunch last night, and this morning? Read the affirmation about eating healthy from now on. Then Bunny texted me during her lunchtime to tell me that she had a healthy sandwich for lunch.

Healthy food for the win! As long as you realise that chocolate and wine are healthy too...

Speaking of affirmations, they're really doing me good. I find myself looking forward to the next day's affirmation, and I get excited about discovering what the next day holds for me.

Came home straight after work, and Neal was here, being all cute. That kid is just over one year old, and he's already charming all the ladies. I fear to imagine what he'll be like at eighteen!

I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I had a pretty good idea that Doof would show up today, after his two weeks' off. Was slightly disappointed about 3.30pm, because he wasn't online yet, but I'd prolly gotten the time zones messed up. I can't even begin to describe how happy I was to chat with him again. Only two weeks? It feels like it was longer than that, and yet? It seems like only yesterday that we'd last spoken, because's like no time had passed. After all, what's a couple weeks between friends?

Christmas was pretty busy for me, so I barely had time to miss him, and then there was didn't really consciously miss him. But...I didn't realise just how much I'd really missed him until I saw his name pop up on chat.

I know I'm not over certain people in my past, but I know I'm well on the road to recovery when I can listen to love songs; I used to be filled with pain and that heartbreaking emptiness, which is why I refused to listen to the radio for a while. But today? I'm listening to love songs, and I want to sing and dance and I feel so light and filled with hope and happiness.

Happy moments of the day:
- Talking to Poptart!Boss in his office, and Big!Boss walking in and asking P!Boss what I'm all dressed up for, and then the two of them talking about me as though I wasn't there (in a teasing, good camaraderie all round way)

- Eating Mum's cooking for lunch

- Seeing Doof pop up online

- Going to the coffeeshop with my sis

- Talking to bro when I was giving him some school supplies, and having him be annoying, and me acting all annoyed with him. It's a sibling thing.

- Chatting with Doof online

- Hearing Doof's voice and listening to his chuckle again

- Making tentative plans with Yvonne for her to come over to my place on a Saturday to bake

- Cuddling my sis and singing Vincent (Starry Starry Night) to her (along with the radio, so I don't think I sounded too bad)

- Listening to love songs, and actually feeling uplifted by them

- My sis giving me a goodnight kiss

Today's Thanksgiving:
Today I am grateful for the Doof. He's been one of my best mates for the past 7 years and he's given me so much love and support. He's been there during some of my really low moments, and he's shared so much of my joys and triumphs. It's an amazing feeling to be unconditionally loved, and I don't know if he'll ever realise how much I appreciate him.

Tomorrow! Is Tuesday!

And it's also the day I'm meeting Sof after work.

Life, my friends, is sweet. And it's just going to get better, I know it.

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