
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." -- Robert Brault

I wanted to blog about this last night, but forgot.

Was listening to the radio, and the DJ makes an announcement that a 16-year-old autistic boy had gone missing, and his parents were worried. They contacted the radio station, and sent out their plea for anyone who had seen him to contact the station.

He'd been missing since 1.30 yesterday afternoon, and it was already about 11pm. When I heard that he'd gone missing in the street right next to where I live, I wanted to go out there and have a look around.

Not five minutes later, it was announced that three boys had seen Missing Boy, who was to be reunited with his anxious family.

I can't describe the feeling of relief that washed over me.

It brought me back to the time when my sis was late home from school, and we were frantic. So I have a pretty good idea of what that family was going through, and I am so glad they had a happy ending.

Today I give thanks for all the people who look out for and take care of those with special needs. To be a caregiver/teacher of a person with special needs takes patience and dedication of a level much higher than your average Joe, and the world is a better place because of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, it's always the little things that matters, no? ;)