
Saturday, January 3, 2009


I did tell Bunny last night that I might go in to work today. If it was raining when I woke up, I'd stay in bed, if it was sunny, I'd go to work.

Well, it wasn't raining when I woke up, but it was also almost 1pm when I woke up, so going to work? Prolly not. Must go in next Saturday and the Saturday after though.

Going to meet TehTarik this afternoon. She's been pretty down, so I hope she feels better soon.

Spoke to VH this morning. I think he's pretty much the only ex that I'm still in contact with. Well, in contact and on good terms, that is. I'm glad that we got in touch again. I don't miss him the way I would a lover, but I have missed him as a friend, and it's good to hear that he's doing ok. Not great, but I have my hopes.

So that's my Saturday pretty much filled up, and it looks like my Sunday's going to be full too. Church in the morning with the folks, then Bro and I have decided to watch Bedtime Stories. Was talking to Mum about it this morning, and decided to bring Calis along as well. That way, she gets to enjoy a movie, and Mum gets to do her own thing.

Hm, that reminds me. Gotta go look at movie times and book tix for us.

I love today's affirmation:
I keep my promises; People can depend on me.

For far too long, I haven't exactly been the kind of person that people depend on. Sure, when there's a family emergency, I'm there. When there's a crisis, I might show up. Other than that? Not really.

But today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I'm changing that.

I keep my promises. People can depend on me.

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