
Monday, July 8, 2013


I'd been wanting to get a tattoo for ages, and I had a vague idea of what and were I wanted it to be. Over the past couple years, that idea solidified, and then I was sure of what I wanted.

My bro made an appointment with his tattoo guy, and off I went to get it done. Tattoo artist was really nice, very patient and calm, and talked me through the design. Especially since this is my first tattoo (I say that like I'm ever going to get another*). We finalised the design and the colour, and I sat down to an hour and half of pain like I've never experienced.

You know how people tell you it doesn't hurt? PEOPLE. LIE.
It hurt. hurt like a mofo. Especially when needle was going over bone. It was rather interesting though, when needle hit nerve; shockwaves just tingled up and down my arm.

Two days later, my back was still sore. It felt like I'd fallen several feet and landed on my back, leaving myself terribly bruised. I could barely twist myself to get my top on/off!

It's Day 4 now. And I'm glad to say it doesn't hurt. But now...the pain has been replaced by something much worse.

IT ITCHES. Oh, dear lawd, it itches.

This incessant itch on my back is unbearable. I don't want to over-moisturise it, but at the same time OMG KILL ME NOW.

*I already know what and where I want my next tattoo to be though.


Ahahahaha I found the above in my drafts. I wonder why I never published it? It was typed out a couple years ago! It's hilarious looking back, for I don't remember the suffering at all.

What's more, I've gotten three more since then, and I'm itching (no pun int...ok, it's fully intended) for my next one. I gotta be careful with the positioning though. Can't be somewhere I can't hide, nor do I want it to be in a place that's completely hidden. Yes, I love showing off my tatts! I have quite a few I'm thinking of, so I won't get it done until I'm fully convinced, the way I was with the others.

The 'what' and the 'where' are easily solved, and the 'who' and 'how' are givens. The big question now, really, is 'when'. Not now, because I'm training for a 10K, and being in pain and discomfort won't be fun, and being covered in sweat won't be good for the healing process anyway. After that? I might just be in training for the next 10K. I haven't registered yet, because I want to see how my old injuries hold up under training. And after that? Too close to Christmas., I guess the 'when' wasn't difficult at all. Next year it is!

Thing is, I haven't been inked this entire year. An entire year. No wonder I'm itching for a new one; it's been ages!


Kleppy said...

i was reading through the first half thinking "did your memory reset itself...??"

and then realized that it was an old draft.

you might as well wait for later to get it :P

Ki said...

But but but...whole ink...whut.

Kleppy said...

(hands you a pen)

oh wait, maybe a sharpie would be better.

Doof said...

Compass point? Although that's typically only suitable when it's the 90's and your tattoo simply states "Slayer".

Ki said...

Ahahahahaahaha no.
