
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Godsent Samaritan

Out on my run today, for some strange reason, I decide halfway through to switch up my route, which is something I rarely do.

Towards the end of my run, I'm a couple blocks away from home and run past the lift. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a little girl crouching by the lift. I slow down and turn around, to see a young bloke, looked like he was in his early twenties, come out of the lift. He stops in his tracks and starts talking to the girl. I approach them, and realise that the girl is in tears. I crouch down and try talking to the girl, first in English then in Malay, asking her what her name is, if she knows where her house is, where she saw her mother last, but she isn't responding, and barely even looking at me. I ask the guy if he recognises her at all, and he says he thinks he knows which floor her flat's on, and that he's seen her before, and she has a twin sister. He's not entirely sure about the floor, but we figure that we might as well try, and if we really can't find her place, I'll have to bring her to the police station down the road.

Crouching down by the girl again, I call her adik (little sister in Malay) and she finally looks at me. I ask her if she wants to go home, and she nods tearfully. I then say "Come, let's go home", and she stands up shakily. The three of us enter the lift, bloke and I have a brief conversation, and he tells me that he doesn't even live here, his girlfriend lives two floors below the girl. When the lift stops at the girl's floor, she immediately walks out and heads directly to her flat, still in tears.

The front door's open; only the gate is closed. I call out a hello, and a teenage girl walks out, looking bewildered, shocked and relieved. She's all "I thought she was with her mother!"
I know for sure that this was the correct flat, and it's cemented further when the girl's twin wanders out into the hall area. I explain to big sister (?) what happened, and she thanks me profusely, pulling out her mobile to call her mum.

Bloke and I then leave, on the way down expressing how relieved and glad we were.

To be sure, it seems like a happy coincidence that I was running past, just when the lift door opens and someone who recognises the girl walks out.

I just believe a higher power sent both of us there at that time. Neither of us live in that block, I rarely pass that block, and I've never run that route. The guy knew which floor she lived on. I was able to communicate with her. Separately, we wouldn't have been able to bring her home. Together, we did. Thank you, Universe, for looking out for the poor dear, and making sure she returned home safely.

Unimportant stuff: ran a little over 2 miles, it's getting easier, my time is improving, blah blah.

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