
Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Fatigue

I started running again on Tuesday, and ran two miles. Wednesday was supposed to be my rest day, but I walked a mile towards home. I would have walked the next two miles home, had I been in proper footwear. As it was, the flats that I was wearing weren't the best to walk in, so I decided to stop before I caused myself damage.

Was pretty tired last night after work, and super hungry to boot, but decided to do up my laces and get out anyway. Two miles this time was a lot easier than it was on Tuesday! Was ravenous when I got home; I drank a litre of water, had a cup of yoghurt, two slices of toast and peanut butter, and about a dozen lychees.

Yeah, kinda defeats the purpose of working out if I'm not going to eat right! But hey, at least I got me some protein.

No, that wasn't an innuendo.

Today is rest day again, and I intend to take it seriously. No point pushing myself to the point of injury. I felt a slight ache of shin splints this morning, so I'd better take it easy for a bit. Besides, I'm only pre-training for the 10K, so I have lots of time to get up to speed. And hopefully I can wake up early enough tomorrow morning to go for a run, before having to get ready for J & L's wedding. If not, I'm resting til Sunday!

So yeah, no run for me todday. Besides, today I'm meeting CT after work. Apparently she has stuff to tell me! She messaged me a couple days ago, totally out of the blue, and says that she has THINGS to tell me. I must say, my curiosity has been piqued. I get the feeling it's nothing good, and that it might be 'bad gossip' about one of my friends. Since CT does have the tendency to get rather angry about stuff (she has a temper to rival mine), I plan to just take everything with a grain of salt. She's well-meaning, and she has a good heart, but she doesn't seem to be able to let things go sometimes. Well, if it helps her to talk to me about it, I'm happy to listen.

In other completely unrelated news, I need want to get a red bag, a more structured one. I like the H&M one I have now - Sis!S gave it to me for Christmas last year - but it's a bit casual. I'd like to get a proper faux leather one ("proper faux"? what the hell, Ki?), or even a real leather one. Yes, you heard me. REAL LEATHER. Oh no, think of the cows! you say. But I do. I think of the cows every time I chow down on a juicy, medium-rare steak. Om nom noms.

Now I'm just sitting back, waiting for The Vegans* to show up.

*I have nothing against vegans. I have a lot against self-righteous vegans who preach and tell me I'm a horrible evil person who's going straight to hell** for eating meat/using animal products.

**Oh, I'm sure I'm going straight to hell.  Just not for those reasons.

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