
Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm Going on a Bear Hunt

I've always loved the book  We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, as well as the song. When I was teaching Speech & Drama, I used to do that song activity with my kids, and they all LOVED it. Always had such fun with it. Fun and educational. Gotta love it!

So when I discovered that it was one of the productions in Kidsfest 2012, I decided that I simply had to go! Decided to book tickets for the 11th, and contacted cousin!G to see if he could get me the staff discount. To my very pleasant surprise, he got me complimentary tickets!

I figured that at 4 and a half, Neal is at the perfect age to be introduced to the story, since he didn't know it. Plus, he loves drama and has S&D as one of his kindergarten classes.

He loved it.

It was a fun and interactive performance, and most of the kids (and big kids!) really got into it. Neal is a really interesting audience member. Unlike most of the kids, who were loudly participating in the interaction, Neal just sat there with a really serious expression on his face. I was concerned that he wasn't enjoying himself, but the few whispered conversations we had convinced me otherwise. He was just being enthralled! But after the performance, he could reenact scenes, sing the songs and explain the story, so he was clearly just absorbing everything. He'd also picked up on set details that I'd completely missed!

We treated ourselves to cupcakes afterwards, then enjoyed a walk along Clarke Quay, followed by a lovely train ride all the way to Punggol, where we met the rest of the clan. All twelve of us (the clan minus Bro) went for seafood at Punggol Marina. Well, eleven and a half. Godson didn't eat the seafood, seeing as how he's only one year old. I did give him a taste of prawn though, and boy, did he love it!

There was SO MUCH FOOD. But oh so delicious. And all the food was so amazingly fresh! The only things I didn't eat were the crab (because I didn't feel like dealing with the mess) and the fish (because fish).

Hung out at Sis-V's place after that, and enjoyed cake and wine. And fun with the kiddies. Neal and Godson are sooo adorable together. When  Neal started throwing a cranky fit, he was crying for Godson, who then toddled over to him and cuddled him. Cuteness overload!

What a great day! Note to self: get book and CD out of bookshelf and let Neal read/listen to them.

We're going on a bear hunt; we're going to catch a big one!

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