
Monday, February 20, 2012

Great Start to the Week

It wasn't the best start to the week. I went to bed kinda late last night (surprise surprise) and woke up late this morning (hey surprise again) and had to cab it to work (big surprise) and got to the office a few minutes late (bigger surprise).

And now the word 'surprise' has lost all meaning.

But the day picked up pretty well after that. I knew that I'd have a lot of work waiting for me. It's usually busy on Monday mornings, especially if I didn't work on the previous Saturday. Today was no different... busy busy busy! It was the good kind of busy though, where I just had a constant flow of work to do, and there was nothing super urgent to take care of. Unlike some other times, where I'm so harried and everyone needs something done five minutes ago and there's barely enough time to breathe let alone have a coffee and the phone is ringing non-stop and I'm running around like a headless chicken.

Uh, so yeah. Today was the good kind of busy.

Then mid-morning, I heard Coworker!S on the phone, giving directions to someone who was clearly coming to the office to visit. Shortly after she hung up, she went down to the lobby to greet said visitor. I thought nothing of it, until she walked back to the office with visitor, and then said to me, "Look who's here!"

I looked up, and there was one of our former team members, here on a brief stopover visit. Now there was a real surprise, and a lovely one at that! Didn't really get to talk much, as he was here to see Boss, then they and Lead guys went on the rig for most of the afternoon.

After work, I went over to Shoes' place for my usual revision session with the kids. That too went rather well. They were all rather tired, but they did sit down to do their work without complaint. And J was extremely proud of himself for getting full marks for his spelling. And I'm proud of him too. I see such potential in all three of them, and I really hope I can help them fulfill their potential.

On that note, I'm going to watch a couple episodes of my latest addiction (is anyone surprised that I'm hooked on yet another tv show?), then go to bed.

For some strange reason, I now have a craving for a chocolate egg containing a small toy.

I like rainbows, but I'd prefer the toy.

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