
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reunion Dinner

I can't believe I forgot to mention this! Poptart!Boss from our previous project was in town a couple weeks ago, and he wanted to meet up with a few of us (who are all now working on this current project). We all managed to find a commonly available timeslot, except for Coworker!S, who'd already had prior dinner plans. As such, Coworker!S and I met up with Poptart and Mrs. Poptart for a drink, before the Poptarts and I went for dinner with the other guys.

We went to Anjappar in Little India, where we proceeded to stuff ourselves silly. I definitely ate too much. What can I say, even though I know naan isn't the healthiest of dishes, I love love love it.

It was good hanging out with the guys from the team, and oh so wonderful to catch up with the Poptarts.

Best part of the evening though? I didn't have to open my wallet once. Got a lift from fave!Coworker after work, then Poptart paid for the cab to the restaurant. The guys took care of the dinner bill, and then another coworker sent me home. Great evening, didn't spend a penny!

Why yes, I can be such a skinflint.

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