
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

quick update

Hmm, I haven't properly updated in quite a while, huh. Not too much has been going on.

Godson turned one last Friday. One! He's such a gorgeous darling, and I'm well smitten with him. Of course, I'm still besotted with his big brother Neal, aka "bubba". The pair of them are such rascals, and I love watching them grow and bond with each other.

I've been tutoring every weekday evening for the past week, and will continue tutoring every weekday evening in February. It's tiring, but I enjoy it. And what can I say...those kids can send my blood pressure soaring, but I love those pesky little things.

Tutored the boys today, and then went out with the Dutchman for a long overdue pizza and beer date. Haven't seen him in a year and a half, and he's still the same as ever. I'd forgotten how much fun I have with him. The brilliant company was well worth the wait!

Oh, and since my last update, I got inked again. Dutchman was quite surprised that I have tattoos; he never quite thought it of me. But he agrees, they're lovely!

And Day Zero Project is still going strong.

If the world really is coming to an end this year, I console myself with the knowledge that it's been a great year so far.

But I still fear the zombie apocalypse.

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