
Thursday, November 10, 2011

But What's In The Barn?

Don't Dead Open Inside? That doesn't even make sense!

Someone asked me what I think of this season's Walking Dead. far so good. I haven't given up on it yet. Without being too spoilerific*, here's what I think of it so far.

One-Expression Lori is annoying me. I hope her bug eyes get eaten by a Walker. And really, it takes longer than a second to do what she did at the end of Ep 4 (Cherokee Rose). Come on.
She's so annoying, but she's one step behind Whatsherface Sophia's mum, who really needs to grow a backbone. Crying isn't going to solve anything.
Every time Old-Man-In-Hat shows up, I find myself wanting to punch him. His sage worldliness makes me want to turn this show into a drinking game. Whiny-Bitch is only slightly less annoying this season; she's less whiny, but still stupid. Token Black Guy (why is he still alive?) has moved up in the annoying list. Well, his one-liner in Cherokee Rose made me laugh, so I don't dislike him as vehemently as I do OldMan.

What with most of the characters being stupid** and whiny and annoying, one might wonder why I'm still watching it.
Simple. Redeeming features; it has them.

Shane. Oh, Shane. Shane, Shane, Shane. Last season, I wanted to kick you in the gonads. This season, you've proved to actually have gonads. Well done, you. If I were wearing a hat, I'd take it off to you. Original Canon may have killed you off, and at one point, I'd wished AMC!Canon would do the same, but now I'm glad - Pollyanna level of glad - that you're still alive and clearly kicking.

Glenn. Oh, dear, sweet Token Asian former-pizza-delivering Glenn. Awkward, snarky, geeky and gutsy as hell. And in Cherokee Rose, he gets a moment! In the pharmacy! Well, one hopes it was longer than a moment...That trick with the rope was mighty impressive too.

Daryl. Oh, dear, darling, racist, redneck Daryl. I kinda liked you at the start, and now I like you even more. You tell it like it is, and you're the only one in the band who shows any sort of character development at all. I heart you and your sleeveless shirts. Keep on rednecking.

The gore. Oh, the gross, gory gore! This season doesn't have much (as yet), but it looks like quality is beginning to win out over quantity. Loved Ep 3, what with the dude who topped himself and the live bait; Loved even more the dude suffering from water retention in Cherokee Rose.

4 days to go til the next episode, and I'm actually looking forward to it. The first couple episodes almost had me quitting, but I'm glad I stuck it out! Was worried when Frank Darabont was fired, but so's promising. Slow, but promising!

*Several (actually, most) links in this post lead to tv tropes, which may contain spoilers. 
I also accept no responsibility for any wikiwalking or archive binging.
**There's so much stupidity going on; I've come to the conclusion that the only reason these characters are still alive is that none of them have any braaaaaains.

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