
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Buckle up!

On my way to Shoes' place now. Decide to hop in a cab (what's new?) since I'm running late (again, nothing new there). Flagged down the first available taxi I saw, and to my chagrin, it was from a taxi company that I don't quite like. They're usually my last resort cab company.

The driver is an idiot. I'll not expound on that; I'm irked about that enough as it is. What's really gotten my goat, though, is I'm that there are no seat belt buckles. I always buckle up, and now I feel extremely uncomfortable, to say the least.

I'm tempted to report this driver to the authorities. But 1) who's in charge, the LTA or the traffic police? 2) will it actually accomplish anything? and 3) I'm not comfortable with putting someone's rice bowl at risk.

Then again, safety first right?

I find myself in quite a quandary.

- Posted from KiP
Location:In a cab

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