
Monday, November 29, 2010

Tightening my Belt

No, I'm not on a quest to scrimp and save. Even though I am saving up for a trip to London next year. I mean... I'm literally tightening my belt. The inches are melting away almost before my very eyes. Over the past few days, I've gone from being able to lounge about in my jeans without having to undo the button, to having to wear a belt, to having to tighten it up a notch.

And today? I realised something. There is loads of space in my jeans now. It's gone from so tight that I can barely walk, to so loose that I absolutely have to wear a belt. I'm like one of those 'after' photos of people, where they're pulling out their waistband to show how many inches they've lost. In fact... my jeans are now so loose, that I don't even have to unbutton them to take them off. That's right, tug hard enough, my jeans just slide right off.

No, that wasn't an invitation. Not really.

I'm only two weeks into this diet, and I'm well chuffed with the results so far. The only downers are moments like watching my family scoff down birthday cake (chocolate cake!), or walking past a bakery to inhale the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread.

I miss my carbs! I want my chocolate cake and doughnuts and pizza and quarter pounders and milkshakes and nutella and omg bananas! And roti prata and youtiao and and....alright, I'll stop before I put on weight just thinking about it.

Also, QA guy today passes me some loot that his wife hauled back from the UK. Just for me.

A 3-pack of Jaffa Cakes. The proper nommy McVitie's ones. And a Terry's Chocolate Orange as well.

Now that's what I call a test of willpower.

As I was telling Shoes today, this diet has really made me realise just how much I unthinkingly eat. I pop sweets into my mouth, I grab an ice cream out of the freezer, I munch on biscuits when I'm bored, I have a doughnut whenever I feel like it... My sis commented that it's a really disciplined diet, and I suppose it is. What with weighing everything out, thinking about what I'm eating, not snacking throughout the day, and planning my meals in advance. But the great thing is...I'm not hungry. Even though I've started eating slightly less than my daily allowance. A couple people have expressed surprise at how small the portions seem to be. The thing's not that my meals are small, it's that theirs are huge! Well, I'm getting hungry NOW, because it's past my dinner time.

I actually have a dress that I was planning to wear for Christmas; I just needed the shoes to go with it. But now... I might have to rethink that. I'm going to wait out another couple weeks, then I'll try on my skinny jeans. The ones that I haven't been able to fit into for two years. Definitely looking forward to it.

And once all this is over...

Well, a double quarter pounder all to myself? Challenge accepted! But before that....

Jaffa cakes, here I come!


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