
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Shadows

I started the month of Wriso with a bunch of links. And what better way to end the month of November than to share interesting reads?

I'm going to get the sickening and nasty news out of the way first.

Last week, a domestic helper was charged with the murder of a 12-year-old disabled girl. Regardless of whether she's innocent or guilty, the fact remains that a defenseless child is gone. It simply sickens and saddens me to think of a pure life so cruelly ended.

Speaking of pure lives being cruelly ended, hearing about, and worse, actually seeing the video of "crush fetishists" in China torturing and killing bunnies both sickened and infuriated me.

It's reading such news that makes me despair of humanity. But the world is a huge and amazing place, and people like Josiah Viera restores my faith in humanity. He's six years old and "has a rare genetic disorder, but lived his dream of playing baseball". His story both breaks and warms my heart.

It was sad to read about a teacher being punished for making a stand against homophobia, but how it does give me hope for the future when a youth, his student, can speak up in his defense. A 14-year-old boy, being calm, logical, eloquent and inspiring, which is more than I can say about several politicians.

After the joy and relief of the rescue of the miners in the CopiapĆ³ mine collapse earlier this year, it was sad and shocking to hear of another mine accident, this time closer to home, and with no survivors.

Also in New Zealand, a spot of good news when three teenagers are found alive after being missing in the Pacific for 50 days.

Alright. That's enough serious stuff for now. Especially since I don't do serious.

But there really is something important you should know.

That's right. Know The Difference. Thank goodness for this nifty little booklet that came in the mail. Now I know how to tell whether I need to rush to the A&E, or if I should just visit my GP. And if I'm still not sure, I can just check the handy dandy pictures!

Well, thank goodness. Now I know. Also, I've learnt how not to fake a seizure in the ER.

It was neither Accident nor Emergency though, when this bloke decided to dive into the Darwin Awards. Hello, natural selection.

For something completely about ... two hundred and seventy-one new Picassos? I'm no art aficionado, but that truly boggles the mind. Was it a gift, or was it theft?

From art to architecture. Nikolai Sutyagin's wooden house is pretty darn impressive, and he designed and built it all by himself!

I didn't quite find that as awesome as these untranslatable words from around the world. I already knew several of these words, and my inner geek rejoiced when I stumbled across this.

Now, it's no secret that I'm on a diet. I love that the pounds are dropping and the inches are just melting off. I'm not exercising though, at least not anything strenuous. I'm just doing things like push-ups and easy jogs and brisk walks to burn off restless energy. It did make me feel a touch guilty, until I read this really interesting article about the relationship between exercise and losing weight.

After reading that long but enlightening article, I started enjoying my food quite a bit more. Speaking of which, I cracked up when I saw this macro about fewd. I was totally straightfaced until a certain point, when I started losing it.

And I totally, completely, utterly and truly lost it when I discovered how to make Google beatbox. Keep scrolling down, and following the links in the comments. I was laughing and my sides were aching for a good while.

As November (and Wrisomifu) comes to a close, I leave you with November Blue by the Avett Brothers.

My heart is dancin', to a November tune
And I hope that you hear it, singing songs about you
And I sing songs of sorrow, because you're not around

And so it ends.

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