
Monday, April 27, 2009

Allergy, Schmallergy

I was one of those skinny, nerdy asthma-ridden kids in school. You know the ones - they had glasses covering half their faces, always had their ventolin inhaler, and could never catch a ball to save their lives.

Yeah, that was me. Just a whole level cooler.

Anyway, as a result of my asthma, I couldn't eat peanuts and citrus fruits.
All I had to do was eat a few peanuts, or half an orange, and BAM, asthma attack. In my blue health booklet, it was very clearly stated that my allergies included peanuts and oranges. I don't go into anaphylactic shock; I just get an asthma attack. Which can be just as life-threatening!

That said...

What I've eaten today:
Breakfast: Two slices of toast, milo and an orange
Lunch: Two peanut butter sandwiches and an orange.

Nope, no asthma.

Now I have nutella and peanut butter in the office. I gotta get me a jar of jam as well. And cheese and bananas. Oh, and bread of course. Then I will have so many sandwiches to choose from!
PB&J, of course.
Nutella and cheese.
Nutella and banana.
PB and banana.
Jam & cheese.
PB & Nutella.

Yes, that's what I shall do.

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