
Monday, April 27, 2009

Originality in Music

Because I'm too lazy to type it all out, here's a copy/paste from IM.

me: i'm listening to bill haley and the comets - they did rock around the clock. Listening to Rock the Joint.....
same riffs, same drum beat....tsk
it's the same song with different lyrics.

Doof: It slips past most non-drum players

me: oh come ON

Doof: hehe

me: there's no WAY anyone could miss that.
it's like saying you don't know that Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep and the ABC song all are the same tune.

Doof: Well, since no-one has listened to it apart from you and dads since 1969, it went largely unnoticed

me: lol :P

Doof: You should blog about it to the world!
Expose it as the sham it is!

And so I have.


Kleppy said...

...... you know, until you pointed it out, I actually never noticed that ABC and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star shared the same tune! *laughs*

i guess i just never sang either of them all that much, and back to back, for that matter :P

Ki said... you know!