
Monday, April 27, 2009

Early Start

I'm rather looking forward to the work week! Perhaps that's because it's a 4-day week, but...I'm looking forward to it nonetheless!

That said, it's Monday morning, and I've been awake since 6. I could have been out of the house by now, and I could have missed the peak hour charge that starts at 7. Of course, I'm just sitting here in my towel, reading blogs and updating mine. Well, if I hurry, I might still make it out of here before 7. Either way, I'll be in the office before 7.30, so all is good.

Had a pretty darn good weekend! Birthday party for Calis on Saturday, and we had lots of the family come over. Pics will be up on FB soon enough. Well, eventually. I haven't even posted pics from last Christmas. At least I won't be like Sis2, who just posted pics of last Christmas, and labelled it 'Christmas 09'.

So anyway. Best part of the party was hmm...the food! So. Much. Food. Auntie R (really good neighbour) cooked for us. She cooked 2 kilos of rice! And lots of curry and other things.

Cake: Swensen's ice-cream cake. Made of win.

Hanging out with the Uncle, smoking and talking politics: also win.

Seeing laughing faces: Very much win.

Yes, I declare Saturday a good day.

Slept in yesterday, woke up, had breakfast, lounged around a bit, then had a nap. It's been ages since I had a nap! Sleeping in the afternoon, how decadent!

Church with the folks in the evening. And then home...but not without swinging by McD's to grab some food for Calis. And for me. Double cheeseburger and a Mudpie McFlurry.


Dinner with the folks at home (yes, I still ate after that double cheese...decadence, remember?). In bed before 11! Which is the reason I managed to wake up just before 6 today, obviously.

Hmm. Waking up early, but still being late would be stupid. Gotta get my arse dressed and to work.

It's going to be a great week!

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