
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Music and Drama

Freaky! I was mentally singing this song on a smoke break yesterday, and today...well, they're playing it now! And it's not the first time it's happened. I think of a song that I haven't heard in ages, I'll hear it on the radio by the next day.

No, I'm not saying what song it is because I'm embarrassed to admit that I was actually mentally singing it.

I really like today's affirmation:
I no longer need any negative drama in my life. I choose only good experiences in my life from now on.

Uncanny. I used to indulge in the negative drama so often. Life's been a lot easier and happier and lighter since I stopped with the negative drama. I'm not letting go of the positive drama, though. A girl's gotta have drama in her life! Especially if she's a Leo, fond of the attention and the drama. :D

Speaking of drama.

I've become hooked on Dead Like Me. It's dark comedy, which I appreciate. There's quite a bit of light humour as well. And it can be rather thought-provoking as well. I've watched all of Season 1, and will get hold of Season 2 next week.
What a shame the show was cancelled after only two seasons. I just love everything about the show.

Well, there are a few things that just make absolutely no sense to me. But it's stuff that I can put away, so they don't really take anything away for me.
Oh, and Callum Blue, who plays Mason? I am hopelessly in lust with him.

Plus, he and I have the same birthday.

I'm not sure if I lust after Callum Blue, or if I'm crushing on Mason the character. Because Mason is an absolute sweetheart.

I do have a bit of time this weekend, and I've acquired some good viewing material. I have Dexter Season 1, and I've only watched one episode. It's the kind of show I can't watch back-to-back, especially before bed. Watching just one episode before bed gave me weird Dexter-themed dreams.

When I watched Prison Break back-to-back, I dreamed about me escaping from prison and being on the run.

I also have The Wackness, starring Josh Peck, of Drake & Josh fame.

Even better, I have College, starring Drake Bell, also of Drake & Josh fame.

No, I am not ashamed of my viewing choices. There is nothing wrong with Nickelodeon shows. I miss Nickelodeon. I wonder if I could possibly persuade the 'rents to subscribe to it again? That, and the Disney channel. Oh, and Cartoon Network, of course.

I shall decide what to watch soon. In the meantime, back to bed, for I am a lazy bastard.


Anonymous said...

You never told you me you only watched one episode of Dexter so far?!

Time to get stuck in. Dreams or no dreams.

All day lazy Sunday? Respect.

Ki said...

I never told you because I knew you'd give me shit for it.

I told you. Dexter marathon weekend. I can't deal with it alone though.

Lazy Sundays are wicked. You should try it some time.