
Thursday, March 19, 2009

'Cause it makes me happy!

So for reasons that will remain undisclosed, I was in a pretty foul mood when I left the office yesterday. I had a couple hours to kill before tutoring, so decided to have myself a wander around JP.

I hate that mall. It has to be the worst mall in the country. It's crowded and cramped, and not just your regular crowd. Oh no, I'm convinced that the most oblivious and inconsiderate members of the population all congregate at JP.

So I stuck to the outskirts. I went to OP, where there was a sale. But there was nothing. Giordano failed me too. (Although I might go back to grab me a few more basic tees. A girl can't have too many white t-shirts!) Decided to go to the new wing to see if I'd find something pretty to cheer me up.

Found myself walking past Levi's Signature (it's in that passageway between JP1 and JP2). And decided, what the hell. I'll just look around.

Ended up getting not one, but TWO pairs of jeans. For only $99.90! That's right, two pairs of jeans, each for only $49.95!
And I acted fast! I also signed up for the membership, and received 20% off a lovely new shirt! In addition, I got a lovely tote bag, absolutely FREE!

Two pairs of jeans, one top, a bag and the promise of future discounts. All mine, for less than two hundred!

So yes, I was in a foul mood when I left the office later, and two hours later, was pretty darn pleased with myself. There were too many factors conspiring against me to put me in a better mood:

1. the weather was gorgeous. Quite cool, clear skies... Not a cloud to be seen! Absolutely gorgeous.

2) Did you not see the above? New jeans. Two pairs, even. And a new shirt. And a new bag. Never underestimate the power of retail therapy.

3) Yesterday was a good hair day. 'Nuff said.

4) Life's too short and too sweet to waste it on being moody.

5) Speaking of sweet, I do believe I was going on about chocolate.

Is it really Thursday already? How time flies when you're happy!

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