
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All For One, One For All

I was scheduled to tutor today. So after work, I ambled over to my student's place. I arrived there a little earlier than necessary, so decided to drop by the little shop to grab a snack. I had in mind a sandwich, or perhaps some biscuits. As I wandered the aisles, nothing caught my eye...until I was walking out, and I spotted a bar of chocolate. Not just any bar of chocolate, though.

A 3 Musketeers bar.

That's right, a delectable bar of "whipped up, fluffy chocolate on chocolate".

But it's merely a Milky Way, I hear you cry. I assure you. A 3 Musketeers is not a Milky Way. A 3 Musketeers is bigger than a Milky Way.

Why yes, size does matter. And yes, I found myself delighted. For only a buck forty, I obtained a little piece of heaven.
Whoever says that money can't buy happiness is clearly allergic to chocolate.

3 Musketeers bars. I haven't found them elsewhere (and I refuse to purchase anything from Candy Empire, because their prices are exorbitant. Unless they have jaffa cakes, in which case, I'll have to rethink my principles), and it's so strange that I found it in a tiny neighbourhood convenience store! Now there's a great reason to look forward to tutoring! It shall be my weekly treat.*

Seriously, if you asked me to choose between a Mars Bar and a 3 Musketeers...well, that's just being discriminatory.

I am an equal-opportunity chocoholic.

The Mars bars, Kit Kats, Kit Kat Chunkies, Crunchies, Cadbury Dairy Milks and other assorted chocolates are not treats. They're necessities.

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