
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time flies when you're busy

Today was a rather productive day, methinks. Got a lot of laundry done, cooked dinner, cleared up the house a fair bit, folded clothes, prepared stuff for the nurse who's coming in tomorrow.

I think I like being busy. It makes me appreciate my leisure time even more. And I can actually fall asleep at night, tired and content.

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful for my neighbours. They aren't merely the people who live next door. They're friends.

Today was their 24th anniversary, and what did they do? Visited mum in hospital. As Auntie R said, she thinks of my mum not as a neighbour but more as a sister. She offered to cook for us, but dad declined, as I'd already told him I was cooking. And hey, perfect opportunity for dad to make sure that his daughters do some cooking.
But anyway. At 11pm, my doorbell rang, and I was wondering who it could be. Turned out to be Uncle R (from next door), bearing cake and a family-sized Cadbury bar. They had a cake to celebrate their anniversary, and they gave us some.

In day and age where there are so many people in this city who barely even know what their neighbours look like, it is wonderful to have neighbours like mine. I could go on about all they've done for us, but that would be an entire blog entry, and I'm way too tired for that.

In short, I am thankful that I have the kind of neighbours whom I could borrow a cup of sugar from. (Not that I've ever actually done that)

Today's Happy Moments:
- seeing Calis smiling again, after a day of being upset (she really wanted to see mum, and she did)

- getting the internet back! It was down all day, and finally came back about midnight

- accomplishing the things I'd set out to do

- talking to Bunny about my faith, and how there really are things to be thankful about, despite the difficulties. And being understood.

There are so many things in life that I could be angry about, that I could moan and groan and whinge and whine about.

But there are even more things that fill me with joy.

Today's affirmation says it all:

All is well in my world.

Plus, I have chocolate.

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