
Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's a Hard Night's Day

I am aching. All. Over. But it is the ache of hard work, so it does feel good.

I was pretty knackered yesterday when I got back from work, but decided to take Calis out for a bit; she'd been home all day and she wanted to go to the coffeeshop.
So yes, we went downstairs. And we spent two hours at the coffeeshop.

Two. Hours.

Anyway, after that, I still had loads to do. Started cleaning my room, and it was slow going at first. The pace picked up, and then...wild horses couldn't have stopped me. Although I'm not sure how wild horses would have gotten into my bedroom anyway.

Did you know that when you throw out loads of trash, you get loads of space? Two huuuuge bags of trash and one small one. A LOT of trash.

I love it when I go into cleaning frenzy mode. The sentimental sappy side of me just goes right to sleep. The personality that emerges? Hard-hearted, practical bitch who scoffs at hoarding. Besides, if I forgot I had something, and didn't need it for a few months...I'm not going to need it anytime soon.

But my room is so clean now; I love it! This weekend, I'm going to tackle my closet. And I have to be stern with myself. If it doesn't fit, I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that I'm going to lose ten pounds. Truth is? I'm fine with my weight right where it is. And honestly, if I haven't worn something in over a year, WHY do I think that I just might wear it again some day?

I only managed to call it a day at about 3am. I was itching to start on my closet, but I knew that I would need a few solid hours to do that. At least my laundry hamper is no longer overflowing! In fact, it's half-empty!

One of the rare times that 'half-empty' is more positive than 'half-full'!

After shower though? I was still pretty buzzed from cleaning frenzy, so decided to settle down and watch some Drake & Josh.

Merry Christmas Drake & Josh is such. A bad. Movie. That's 94 minutes of my life I'm never getting back. There were a few good moments, but they were too few and too far between for me to truly enjoy it.
Better sets than the tv series, but omg, the plot is nothing but shite.

Was feeling unsatisfied after that, so decided to watch an episode of Dexter.


Only watched one episode, but I? Am hooked. HOOKED!
Big up Doof for the rec. Now if just he stops listening to Fall Out Boy, I might start trusting his taste in music too.

Thanksgiving for yesterday:
Yesterday I was thankful for my mum. I'd never fully appreciated all she used to do for us on a daily basis, and just how time-consuming and challenging it could be to take care of Calis. How she managed to do the housework and take care of Calis for so long, I'll never know. I've been doing it for only a week and a half, and not as well as Mum, and already I'm knackered.
Then again, as she said, if I don't go online late at night, I'll be ok. Woman has a point.

Happy moments:
- watching Dexter!

- Two particular moments in MCD&J: 1) when Josh bumps Drake's hand and Drake gives him a bite of his corndog; 2) Never put your finger in me again!

- the moment of accomplishment when I was done cleaning my room. How I let it get into such a state, I do not know. But that's my usual MO. Get the room into a complete mess, then go into mad cleaning mode

- Calis hugging me tighter than usual when she knew I was feeling frustrated

Finally slept at just past 6am. Woke up at quarter past 7.

I've already consumed one can of RB, and I have two more in the fridge.

Tonight? I'm turning in by 1.

My entire body aches. But it is the ache of a good night's work. Very satisfying indeed. Today's challenge? Making it to the end of the day. I still have...more than 12 hours to go.

No rest for the wicked!

And I? Am wicked!

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