
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's been a while

I've been so busy this past week.
To sum it all up:

Mum had a stroke last Sunday. She's been in hospital since.
I took a lot of time off last week to take care of Calis (who, if you recall, is handicapped because of her own stroke) and manage the house as best as I can.
Bro has been a big help.
Dad's been great.
I've been tired.

But...I'm amazed at myself. And yet, I always knew I had it in me. I have a streak of responsibility, and boy, has it reared up this past week.

Taking care of Calis has made me even more protective of her, and as much as I hate to admit that my dad's right...well, my dad's right. I started bonding with Calis ever since we started sharing a room, and now? I've bonded with her even more.

Mum's doing great. Her level of strength and determination simply cannot be matched. She's the strongest, bravest woman I've ever had the honour of knowing. And she's my mum! How lucky am I? Very!
I am so very proud of Mum. Today was her first therapy session, and dad said she did really well. My heart swells with love and pride just thinking of her.

We got a nurse in to take care of Calis for the next couple weeks, while everyone else is at work, and we're getting a domestic helper this week as well. It's not easy for me to trust a stranger to take care of Calis and to see to her needs, but I'm learning to.

My mission-101 has been put on hold for the past week, but I've stayed true to most of the ones in progress. The ones that were paused are the ones about writing down what I'm thankful for and happy moments. And I don't consider that cheating in any way. I've been so busy and stressed, and at moments, really overwhelmed with it all.

But I'll try to make up for it now. Here goes:

I'm thankful for:
- My understanding colleagues and bosses, who were compassionate and understanding about me taking so much time off.

- good doctors

- Belle, who provided me with a good source for a home nurse.

- The home nurse, who is professional and warm all at once

- my friends, who have provided me with love and support

- my family, who has pulled together and held each other up in this challenging time

- my mum, who has gone through so much in her life, and yet is still able to smile and laugh

- my faith, which was shaken, but not broken. And now my faith is stronger than ever.

Happy moments:
- any and all bonding moments with Calis; to name a few: her hugging me tight when I get back from work, joking with her, understanding what she wants even though she can't speak, tucking her in at night and getting a goodnight kiss from her

- hearing my mum joke and laugh and seeing her smile

- realising that I truly am capable of taking care of my sis.

- proving to myself that I can be, and am, an adult.

- having my dad say "well done". Yes, I'm a sucker for parental praise.

- falling asleep at the end of the day, knowing that it was a productive one.

- taking care of certain things, and having Dad depend on me.

- Having dad know that he can depend on me.

- Teaching Kay and playing games with her and her brothers

I've been true to most of the items on my list. Reading an affirmation every day has helped to keep me strong.
I'm not going to consider the fact that I missed a few days - I think I more than made up for it, and I don't regret not actually writing down certain things; spending time with my family was far more important to me.

I remind you of #75 on my list. Something that I've been able to do, even through an emotionally wrenching week.

Laugh often, laugh loud.

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