
Monday, February 23, 2009

Long overdue update!

I've been so busy, and by the time I have a moment to myself, I don't feel like blogging.

So...a brief rundown:

Mum's still in hospital, but she'll be transferred to AMK tomorrow. I'm optimistic; after all, Calis went there, and they did wonders with her. I'm not expecting a miracle overnight, but...I'm hoping for the best.

I haven't been out in ages, and I do need some time off. Perhaps this Friday, I'll go out and watch a movie.

Alright then, as best as I can remember. Here goes.

Things I'm grateful for:
- My friends. Without them, I'd be lost. They cheer me right up, and help me maintain my positive outlook

- My family. I appreciate whatever time I have with them, and the moments add up

- my job! In these times, one hears so often about people being retrenched and getting paycuts and what not. I'm glad that not only do I have a job, I have a job I love.

Things that made me happy:
- Lunch from Botak Jones on 160209. It was a colleagues birthday celebration, and the office thing is that every birthday is celebrated.

- tutoring on 170209. He's not the best student I've ever had, but he has potential. Doesn't everyone?

- Seeing mum on 190209. Nan and Mum's friend were there, and we spent some time laughing and joking

- tutoring after seeing mum. It's fun to see Kay progressing, and even her younger brother is showing an interest. Note to self: prepare some activity sheets for her bro

- having dinner after student's mum and grandmum insisted on feeding me, and talking to student's grandmum

- getting lunch delivered to me by SK on 200209. He'd texted me, but I didn't see his message in time to make lunch plans. But I whined about not having anything for lunch, so he swung buy and got me lunch.

- seeing baby Nate yesterday. I swear, he gets more gorgeous every time I see him

- going to mass in the church I used to go to as a child/teenager, and seeing the newly renovated building for the first time

- singing the hymns I love so much

- having dad send me to, and pick me up from church

- singing along to radio with dad. Both of us horribly off-key, of course

All in all, a rather productive week, and a happy one at that. Some not-so-good moments as well, but that's life, ey? Makes life all the better!

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