
Sunday, February 15, 2009

And so another weekend comes to a close

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful for my health. I'm not the fittest person around, but I am young and healthy and able to take care of my loved ones.

Today's happy moments:
- Sleeping in! Oh how lovely it is to wake up when the sun is already up!

- tasting the chicken I cooked, and realising that it was rather tasty. I can cook!

- seeing Mum and spending time with her

- hearing Dad say that I've done a good job

- having everything done and Calis in bed by 11.30. I'm now free to do whatever I want

- having time now to take a leisurely shower before turning in

It's been, on the whole, a lovely weekend.
We're halfway through February, and I've had a great month. A stressful month, full of emotion, I've been worried about mum and the rest of the family...but it's been a productive month.

And I'm proud of me.

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