
Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am such a fangirl

Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day! I know I did...

Slept in...oh, glorious sleep!...and chilled out quite a bit. Brought Calis to JP, where we walked around a bit. I bought me a book (mindless chick lit is made of win), and Calis and I hung out at Starbucks for a couple hours. She loves people-watching, I love reading, we both love Starbucks drinks. Perfection? I think so!

Bought her a couple T-shirts after that, and then we stopped at yet another place that both of us are totally passionate about.

The Body Shop.

And this entire evening? Funded by the Dadman.

I'm pretty knackered. A couple hours ago, I was in the shower and I could easily have fallen asleep in there. I would have too, if the hot water hadn't started running out.

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful for my sister, who is brilliant company and gives me so much joy.

Today's Happy Moments:
- finding a mindless chick lit novel by one of the authors I enjoy.

- reading (and finishing) said novel. What a fun read!

- Starbucks vanilla latte.

- The Body Shop-ping with Calis

- hearing from Dad about mum's progress today

- Dad telling me that mum was pleasantly surprised, and very happy, that I took Calis out

- videochat with someone I never expected to see online today

- Two words: Drake. Josh.

- squeeing over Drake & Josh

- realising that I'm crushing on a 22-year-old, and enjoying it anyway.

Fangirling is fun.

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