
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Great start to a great weekend

More happy moments of the day:

- chatting with Doof before going out

- drinking Verboden Vrucht, aka Forbidden Fruit. I've always loved that beer, and it's not exactly the beer of choice at the local kopitiams.

- walking along the river with SK and attempting to pick each other up. Literally. He picked me up; my attempt was laughable.

- running into Jay and The Other Other One and Pixiedub

- Having Jus come up to me and wonder if I'm this girl he knows...who turns out to be my sister. He's a friend of Jay's, as well as my Sis2 and Bro-in-Law2

- deciding to go for bak kut teh with the group

- having loads of fun talking about...nothing really

- Getting to talk to Doof before bed.

Good morning everyone! It's time for bed!

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