
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ki on a Quest

In the centre of shopping, near my place of toil, there is a store that happens to sell varieties of chocolates, candies and biscuits. It is known to all, near and far, as the great Empire of Candy.

One day, I wandered into this great and awe-inspiring Empire. As I meandered through the shelves of sugary delight, I turned the corner to see McVitie's digestives sitting calmly before me. My heart leapt with hope.
"Oh, can it be? Oh, say it is so!" I thought to myself. After all, if there were digestives, it was quite possible indeed that another much-beloved product of the House of McVitie's might grace these beautiful halls.

But alas! 'Twas not to be. "Imposters!" I yell, filled with a sudden fury. How dare these charlatans sully the great halls of the Empire? The very nerve! The sheer audacity! The...the blatant disrespect.

With tears shimmering in my eyes, I stumbled towards the doors. "Let me through, let me through," I managed to choke out. I simply had to get away from that travesty. Before I could make my escape, Mints of the Junior variety, them of the Industry of the Tootsie Roll barred my way.

"We are Mints of the Junior, dwelling here in this Empire. Do you not think there might also be Duds of the Milk, the ones who hail from the great Kingdom of Hershey?" they said to me tauntingly.

I searched, oh how I searched! Valiantly, I explored. High and low, I foraged. But all my brave efforts were in vain, all was for naught. Those dastardly deceitful Mints!

Out of defiance, I grabbed the ersatz cakes of Jaffa and strode out, my head held high, proud in my self-righteousness.

Yesterday, I tasted the phony little cakes. They tasted of sawdust and shattered hearts.

liars and imposters; destroyer of dreams


Kleppy said...

they fully lived up the name of pseudo jaffa cakes!

Ki said...

They taste so nasty. (I say, as I cry and stuff another one in my mouth)